
Students practice focus and observation by catching and throwing the snap around the circle. 


Contributed by Renata Townsend


Students practice focus and observation by catching and throwing the snap around the circle. 


  • Invite students to create a circle.  
  • Ask the group to all snap together on the count of three. 
  • Once the group has decided on the snap (or alternative sound/gesture that the group will use), model “throwing” the snap to the Classroom Teacher by making eye contact with them before throwing. 
  • The Classroom Teacher will “catch” the snap by snapping, and then throw the snap to someone else in the circle. Each person will be snapping twice: once to catch, and again to throw. 
  • The game continues by passing the snap across the circle. 
  • Level-Up Option: After playing this game multiple times, you can level-up by changing the formation of the group. It can be played by people being dispersed around the space or even walking around the space.

Transition into Activity

After they have learned this activity, students will know what to do when you form a circle and begin to snap. Try to start it nonverbally.

Transition out of Activity

When the snap is thrown back to you, put it in your pocket and thank everyone for their focus and energy.

     Classroom Arrangement

  • Sitting or standing on a circle.
  • Moving around the space.

Supports/Adaptive Materials/Tools

  • You can clarify that if students aren’t able to make a sound when snapping, that is fine, they can just do the physical gesture. 
  • You can also decide that instead of snapping, the group can come up with a different sound or gesture that everyone can do (perhaps a clap or a thumbs up). 
  • You can coach students to listen to the energy being sent to them, and receive the energy according to how it was sent. For example, “If the snap was thrown quickly to you, how would you catch that snap versus if it was rolled gently to you on the floor?” 
  • If you notice that there are students who are not getting the snap, you can pause the game and ask people to raise their hands if they have not received the snap. You can remind them that the goal is for everyone to receive the snap at least once.
  • Write criteria as it’s generated on a poster, so students remember what they are working toward.
  • Make the circle in chairs, or on a taped circle if needed.

Possible Roles for Classroom Professionals

  • Be the first person to catch or throw the snap. 
  • Model eye contact and focus and speed. 
  • Write down criteria generated.

Adjustments for Remote Instruction

Make sure to unmute all students. Instead of eye contact, call out the name of the person you are about to throw the snap to.

Art forms


10 mins