Mobility Devices

Mobility Devices

Three people using a wheelchair, crutches, and a wheelchair

यह क्या है?

Canes, walkers, wheelchairs, or other devices used to aid in mobility.

यह कहाँ पाया जाता है?

With individual students.

मैं इसे कैसे इस्तेमाल करूं?

Make space for a student to move freely using their mobility device—clear chairs out of the way, make sure there’s a ramp up to the stage, etc. Do not touch someone’s mobility device without permission: It is an extension of their body and should be treated as such.


कक्षा में होने की संभावना

पते की जरूरत है

सकल मोटर, ललित मोटर, या संज्ञानात्मक अनुकूली