Relaxed Performances: Supporting Performers and Audience Members

एक समावेशी कार्यक्रम के लिए इन विचारों के साथ विभिन्न आवश्यकताओं वाले कलाकारों और दर्शकों के सदस्यों के लिए अपने प्रदर्शन का स्वागत करें।

Relaxed Performances: Supporting Performers and Audience Members
  • लपेटना और प्रतिबिंबित करना
  • व्यावहारिक सुझाव और आवास
  • //
  • मुक्त अधिगम वातावरण

Relaxed Performances: Supporting Performers and Audience Members


The term relaxed performance emerged around 2015 and simply means that the performance supports audience members (and performers) in experiencing the show with accommodations that make the experience more accessible, whether they need more or less sensory stimulation, need to stand up and move, need easy access to the bathroom, or a space to take a break, etc.


Identify—and make known—what supports are available: If you’re able to provide headphones/sunglasses, fidget tools, reserved aisle seating, break space, etc.


Announce before the show that this is an inclusive space: It is okay to make noise and enjoy yourself during the show, or get up if you need to.

दूरस्थ शिक्षण और शिक्षण युक्ति:

Offering a breakout room where participants can engage in their own sensory experience at home, away from the main event, can be an excellent way to incorporate inclusive practices into your digital facilitation.

बाहरी संसाधन