Character Interview

This activity invites students to generate questions for one another that will help deepen character development and exploration. 

Character Interview

أسهم بواسطة ليبي ميسلان


This activity invites students to generate questions for one another that will help deepen character development and exploration. 


  • As students walk in, they each find a Post-it note on their desk. They look up to the board to see an opening prompt: On your Post-it, write a question you might ask someone to get to know them better.  
  • عرّف الطلاب على فكرة أ character interview. Define the verb “to interview”–to talk with someone to get information–as a group. You can show some pictures or a video to demonstrate. Let students know that for the character interview, they are going to become their main character from the short stories or scenes they are writing. They will answer questions from their classmates as their character.  
  • Pick a student volunteer and ask them to share the name of their main character. Write their character’s name on the board. Spin them around three times and say, “This is no longer ___(student name), they are now ____(character name).” Then have the student sit in a chair in front of the classroom.  
  • To begin the activity, encourage students to start with the questions they wrote on their Post-it note during their opening ritual. As time goes on, encourage students to ask questions that have more depth in order to reveal more about the character. Give 2.5 minutes for each interview session. Allow several students to take a turn in the “hot seat.”   
  • انعكاس: يمكن للطلاب التفكير في شعورهم بالإجابة على الأسئلة على الفور ، وكيف شعرت بصياغة أسئلة مثيرة للاهتمام ، ولماذا قد يساعدنا هذا النشاط كمؤلفين.

الانتقال إلى النشاط

اسأل الطلاب عن كيفية التعرف على زميل جديد أو مدرس أو صديق. سلط الضوء على دور الأسئلة في معرفة المزيد عن الشخص.

الانتقال خارج النشاط

اربط النشاط بمهمة الكتابة القادمة: "تذكر ، لست بحاجة إلى تضمين كل التفاصيل حول شخصيتك في قصتك ، ولكن بصفتك المؤلف ، لديك السلطة لمعرفة كل شيء عن شخصيتك. فكر واكتب عن شخصيتك كفرد معقد وفريد ".

ترتيب الفصول الدراسية

Students are seated in an audience formation, with one student at the front of the room. (They could also be in a half circle, whole circle, or with the audience at their desks.)

يدعم / مواد / أدوات تكيفية

  • Model the activity first. Ask a Classroom Teacher or Paraprofessional to take the hot seat, or do it yourself. You can also model asking compelling questions that get at deeper information about the character.  
  • To provide added structure, time the activity: Set a timer for 2.5 minutes, and let students know that is the amount of time they’ll have to ask questions (e.g. “Two and a half minutes are on the clock. Okay…go!”).  
  • إذا كان الفصل الدراسي يتضمن طلابًا يعانون من تحديات في الحركة ، اجعل جميع الشخصيات تجلس في مقدمة الغرفة عند الشواء. 
  • For students who are shy or more hesitant and would do better with a lower-focus option, allow them to try out being interviewed as their character for just one minute, from their seat, or with a partner.  
  •  Spinning may be uncomfortable for people with sensory sensitivities or with vestibular differences. It also may not be suited for students in wheelchairs (depending on the chair). Consider using a sound/movement to signal the transformation.

الأدوار المحتملة لمحترفي الفصول الدراسية

  • If the students are hesitant to volunteer to be interviewed, Classroom Professionals may volunteer to go first.
  • Teachers and Paraprofessionals may participate by writing their own questions on Post-it notes, and actively asking questions during the character interview exercise.

التعديلات الخاصة بالتعليمات عن بُعد

Share the prompt on a slide or in the chat. Students may still write their questions on paper at home or share them in the chat. To keep each interview session running smoothly, the Teaching Artist may need to take a more active role in calling on students to ask their questions.

الأشكال الفنية



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