المفردات المرئية

يمكن أن يساعد تقديم تمثيل مرئي لمصطلحات المفردات المستخدمة في جلساتك الطلاب على فهم المفاهيم بشكل أفضل.

قم بتنزيل أو طباعة أو مشاركة هذه المصطلحات الشائعة أدناه للفنون المرئية / الإعلامية والمسرح والموسيقى والفنون الأدبية والرقص والتصوير / صناعة الأفلام لاستخدامها في إقامتك الفنية التالية.

صممه أليكسيس بواتي راموس وآرتشر برينكلي.

Choreography. A student with an iPad communication device moves their arm up and down.
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Choreographer. A dark skinned adult makes a movement with their arms and three students mimic it.
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مصمم الرقصات

Pathways. An adult in a power chair draws a zigzag on the floor with their movements.
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Positive vs Negative Space. A student and an adult create an interesting shape by stretching in opposite directions.
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المساحة الإيجابية مقابل السلبية

Windows. A student with a hijab and an adult in a green shirt stand in the back row, with an adult with a beard standing in front.
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الفنون الأدبية

Archetype. Four different people of different ages and races in gray bubbles.
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النموذج الأصلي

Concrete Poem. Text from Alice in Wonderland about a mouse's tail that turns into an image of a mouse's tail.
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قصيدة ملموسة

Found Poem. Text of "The Road Less Traveled" with selected words circled, creating a new poem "Roads I could not travel as far as I could bent just as grassy as the trodden way."
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وجدت قصيدة

Line Break. Text of Black, Blind, and Beautiful by Leroy F. Moore, Jr. with the end of lines highlighted by yellow arrows.
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الخط مقطوع

Metaphor. Clouds with raindrops and cats and dogs falling from them with text "It's raining cats and dogs".
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تشابه مستعار

Onomatopoeia. A kettle boiling with the word "Hissss", a man yawning with the word "Yaaawn".
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Sensory Details. An ear, hand, nose, mouth, and an eye.
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تفاصيل حسية

Spoken Word Poem. A smiling dark skinned girl with a hijab speaks into a microphone with her hand raised.
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قصيدة كلمة منطوقة

Dynamics. A mouse labeled "Squeak", a lion labeled "Roar!" with a crescendo symbol between them.
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Music. Four music notes.
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Rhythm. An Asian girl with hearing aids bangs a drum above a written rhythm.
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على نفس المنوال

Pitch. A white girl with glasses and braces and a dark skinned man both sing with higher and lower notes identified.
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ملعب كورة قدم

Aerial Shot. Image from above a blond child with a yarmulke and a cane holding a braille keyboard.
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طلقة جوية

Ambient Light. Room with dark walls and big windows, with yellowish light streaming through the windows into the room.
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الإضاءة المحيطة

Backlighting. Black square with white light in center behind a teen with glasses and a ponytail whose face is in shadow.
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الإضاءة الخلفية

Chroma Key (Greenscreen). Large greenscreen supported by black tripods.
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مفتاح كروما (جرينسكرين)

Film Negative. Black and white strand of film.
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فيلم سلبي

Foley Effects. Dark skinned teenager with crutches breaking celery beside a microphone next to a pail of water.
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تأثيرات فولي

Onion Skin. A dark skinned person in a hijab waves a hand leaving the impression of five hands moving.
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قشرة البصل

In-Between/Key Frame. Two dark teal circles labelled "Key Frame" with five lighter teal circles between labeled "In-Between Frames"
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بين / إطار المفتاح

Insert Shot. Two boxes showing an overhead image of a dark skinned person at a computer, with a third box added in the center showing the same shot from a side angle.
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إدراج لقطة

Storyboard. Four squares illustrating how a story will be filmed.
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القصة المصورة

Actor's Neutral. Two young people side by side in different relaxed positions
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الفاعل محايد

Articulation. An open mouth with a speech bubble.
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طريقة التعبير اللفظي

Ensemble. Five people in a mix of standing and seated positions making the same gesture with their right arm held out.
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Environment/Setting. Green hills, skyscrapers, a sun, a raincloud.
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البيئة / الإعداد

Gesture. A light-skinned teen with glasses and braces holds her arms up and smiles.
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Levels. A child with a yellow cap sits on the ground with a fidget, a child with afro puffs sits in a wheelchair, and an adult in a yellow shirt stands, singing.
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Quite Backstage. A blond child with a yarmulke holds his finger to his lips in a shushing gesture.
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الهدوء وراء الكواليس

Tableau. An illustration of a tree on the left and three people on the right using their bodies and levels to recreate together the shape of the tree. together on the right.
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3D. A cube.
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ثلاثي الأبعاد

Abstract Shape. Three shapes with no clear meaning.
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شكل مجردة

Background & Foreground. An orange cat at the front and a tree further back and smaller.
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المقدمة الخلفية

Complementary Colors. A circle of color shades with arrows pointing to each color's complement: Purple and yellow, orange and blue, red and green.
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الألوان المكملة

Convex and concave. This illustration is of two geometric shapes side by side. One shape demonstrates a convex form and one a concave form.
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Convex Concave

Cool Colors and Warm Colors. Purple, Blue, and Green for cool colors. Red, Orange, and Yellow for warm colors.
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ألوان رائعة وألوان دافئة

Gallery of Work. Four framed artworks, abstract, portrait, and landscape.
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معرض العمل

Landscape. Green hills, blue clouds, a yellow sun.
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المناظر الطبيعيه

Mural. A building with a painting of music notes on the side with paint cans and a brush beside it.
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Negative Space. A blue chalice which seems to have faces carved into its edges, a green tree with a cut out space of a deer.
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الفضاء السلبي

Organic Shape. A four leaf clover, a cloud, a fish.
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الشكل العضوي

Perspective. A road with trees and telephone wires receding into the distance.
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Primary Colors. Red, Blue, Yellow circles.
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الألوان الأساسية

Symmetry and Asymmetry. A yellow goblet with a clear line of symmetry. A teal shape with no line of symmetry.
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التماثل وعدم التماثل