Pasar un aplauso

An introduction activity to build student focus and the class ensemble. It can also be used to introduce other musical concepts like rhythm and notes.

Pasar un aplauso

Contribuido por T. Scott Lilly


An introduction activity to build student focus and the class ensemble. It can also be used to introduce other musical concepts like rhythm and notes.


  • First, practice the activity steps below one by one with each student.
    • Have students stand (or sit) in a comfortable circle.
    • “Today we’re going to Pass a Clap.” Turn to the first student on your left in the circle: “Let’s see if you and I can clap together once at the same time. We’ll take a deep breath in and open our arms, and then let our breath out and bring our hands in to try to clap together.”
    • Do this one by one—go around the circle and clap hands once together with each student.
  • “Now let’s Pass a Clap around the whole circle. This means you’ll be clapping two times: once with the person on your right and then, when you “pass” it, once with the person on your left. I’ll start. Ready?”
  • Pause for Reflection and build criteria for success after you pass it around the circle once.
    • Have students comment on how well they did and what they could do better.
    • Fomente el contacto visual.
    • Piensen en formas en las que pueden enviarse señales sin sonido para hacerlo juntos.
    • A predictable rhythm might emerge. Notice that and talk about rhythm.
    • Notice the student who wasn’t ready and their partner who noticed that and waited until they were.
  • Then repeat for as many times as you would like, or until the group feels focused and successful.
  • Variations: You can adapt it to pass anything:
    • Pass a phrase.
    • Pass a gesture.
    • Pass a handshake.
    • Pass a material. (This can be a great way to introduce new materials to the class.)
    • Pass a note–ascending and descending. Pass solfège (Do-re-mi, etc.).
    • Pass a salutation: “Hello,” “Take Care,” “So Long.” Get suggestions.
    • Pasar una palabra de vocabulario, etc.

Transición a la actividad

Create a large group circle.

Transición fuera de actividad

Transition straight into a skill-building activity or game that can be done in a circle, now that you have their group focus.

Arreglo del aula

De pie o sentado en círculo.

Soportes / Materiales adaptables / Herramientas

  • Add visuals: Go, Stop, and Clap cards.
  • Give verbal cues: “One, two, three, and clap."
  • A rhythm instrument can be used instead, or to support the clap.
  • Adáptese para pasar un apretón de manos, chocar los cinco o golpear el codo o el puño.

Posibles funciones de los profesionales de las aulas

  • Join in the circle.
  • Participar.
  • Comete un error y manejalo con gracia y humor.

Ajustes para la instrucción a distancia

Laptop Icon

Say the person’s name to whom you want to Pass a Clap.

Formas de arte


10 minutos