스토리 서클

Students create an original story by adding to the story with each turn they take in the circle.

스토리 서클

제공자 Claudia Acosta


Students create an original story by adding to the story with each turn they take in the circle.


  • Students sit in a circle. Then work together to improvise to create an original story based on a character and a setting chosen by students.
  • One at a time each student offers a sentence to move the story forward. When they are done with their part of the story, the group does one clap together for the next turn.
  • After the first sentence, students can choose to represent a character with a pose, gesture or sound to move the story forward for the next storyteller.
  • A teacher can illustrate a few images from parts of the story on chart paper when students need time to imagine the next part.

활동으로의 전환

Inviting the group to come up with a character and setting engages their imagination and establishes their collaboration and puts them in the driver seat of the story.

활동에서 전환

Reflecting on choices as a group verbally and non-verbally

교실 배치

A clear space in classroom where students can sit comfortably in circle so students
can stand up and move.

지지대/적응 재료/도구

  • Students can choose to verbally and non-verbally contribute to the story.
  • After each turn, the group claps to help keep the group together, establish rhythm and help us know when we are listening or when we are not.
  • Students can recreate favorite moments by others in their own way.
  • As we go – an adult illustrates on chart paper what is being said by students.

수업 전문가를 위한 가능한 역할

  • Can participate in the circle verbally or act out.
  • Help a student express their part of the story.
  • Ask guiding questions to build clarity in the sequence of the story using class vocabulary.
  • Encourage students to stand up or move to do their part.
  • Mirror physical choices students make, reiterate what was said or translate.
  • Illustrate literal descriptions.

Adjustments for Remote Application

You can write the initial character and setting chosen by the students in the chat. You can also call on students so each of them gets to tell or act out their part of the story.

예술 형식

