Visual Aids

Visual Aids


Three visual representations of red apples

What is it?

A picture, video, or realia (objects used in real life that students can touch/smell/etc., which can help visual/kinesthetic learners [e.g., bringing in a real apple]) to aid learning.

Where is it found?

Bring in items/visuals that pertain to your lesson. You can have a stack of laminated paper printouts, pictures ready to project on the SMART Board, and/or objects you bring.

How do I use it?

Use visual aids when introducing new vocabulary to give context to the students. You can use visuals to help with classroom management as well (e.g., hold up a “Quiet” sign to get the room to listen, or “circle” sign for them to move to a different position)


Likely In Classroom, Bring With You

Needs it Addresses

Gross Motor, Fine Motor, or Cognitive Adaptive, Mood or Energy Related, Community Building Support, Communication Supports or Language Alternatives