Visual Aids

Visual Aids


Three visual representations of red apples

¿Qué es?

A picture, video, or realia (objects used in real life that students can touch/smell/etc., which can help visual/kinesthetic learners [e.g., bringing in a real apple]) to aid learning.

¿Dónde se encuentra?

Bring in items/visuals that pertain to your lesson. You can have a stack of laminated paper printouts, pictures ready to project on the SMART Board, and/or objects you bring.

¿Como lo uso?

Use visual aids when introducing new vocabulary to give context to the students. You can use visuals to help with classroom management as well (e.g., hold up a “Quiet” sign to get the room to listen, or “circle” sign for them to move to a different position)


Probablemente en el aula, Traer contigo

Necesita direcciones

Motricidad gruesa, motricidad fina o adaptativa cognitiva, Relacionado con el estado de ánimo o la energía, apoyo a la construcción comunitaria, Apoyos de comunicación o alternativas de lenguaje