مرر الحب

A closing ritual to reflect on the lesson, and to take a moment together as a whole class ensemble.

مرر الحب

أسهم بواسطة أماندا نيومان


A closing ritual to reflect on the lesson, and to take a moment together as a whole class ensemble.


  • This can be a closing ritual that stays constant or changes each time it’s repeated.
  • You might pass the “love” or the “magic” or the “light” or whatever other concept or idea you pull from the lesson or that students suggest. In this activity, we’ll pass the love.
  • In a circle at the end of the lesson, tell students it’s time to pass the love.
  • مع الكثير من الدراما والرسوم المتحركة ، تخيل أنك تمسك بالحب بين يديك.
  • You might toss it up and down, stretch it, wrap it around yourself, etc.
  • Then pass it to the person next to you in the circle in whatever way you choose (blow it, toss it, package it up and present it, etc).
  • يستمر هذا على طول الطريق حول الدائرة.
  • If students do not want to participate, they can either say “Pass” or make an agreed-upon gesture (like folding their arms) to indicate that it should be passed to the next person.
  • للطلاب الأكبر سنًا: حاول أن تجعلهم يمدحون الشخص المجاور لهم (مرتبط بشيء من الفصل).

الانتقال إلى النشاط

If this is a ritual occurring at the end of a lesson, you might create a standard phrase to introduce the activity (“Our class is almost over—it’s time to pass the love!”) or use a bell or chime to indicate it’s time. You might also ask for a volunteer to choose what will be passed that day.

الانتقال من النشاط

Since this is the end of class, you might lead students in taking a few deep breaths before turning the class back over to the Classroom Professionals.

ترتيب الفصول الدراسية

This works best in a seated or standing circle, but could also be done in any arrangement if you direct a bit more and track where it should be passed next.

يدعم / مواد / أدوات تكيفية

  • يمكن القيام بذلك جالسًا أو واقفًا.
  • قد يكون من المفيد تمرير كرة ناعمة وخفيفة أو شيء يمكن للطلاب تحريكه قبل تمريره إلى الشخص التالي.
  • It might also be helpful to narrate what’s happening.

الأدوار المحتملة لمحترفي الفصول الدراسية

Prompt and support students in making choices about how to pass, and assist with that movement where appropriate.

التعديلات الخاصة بالتعليمات عن بُعد

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This might be a little trickier in remote settings. The person passing the love can say the name of the recipient they’re passing it to, or you can name the recipient to ensure everyone gets it.