ما هو المختلف؟

This activity involves practicing observational skills.

ما هو المختلف؟

ما هو المختلف؟

أسهم بواسطة لورا بورجواردت


This activity involves practicing observational skills.


  • Pair up. Look at your partner and notice everything you can about them. What are they wearing? Is their hair up? Are they holding anything?
  • Turn back to back with your partner. 
  • Change three things about your appearance.
  • On the count of three, turn around to face your partner. Can you spot the three differences?
  • Option: You can do this exercise one at a time (have the guesser sing a song and close their eyes while their partner is making their changes) or have them both change at the same time (for a quicker game).
  • انعكاس: 
    • “What skills did we sharpen in this game?”
    • “How might observational skills be useful in our theater/art/dance class and beyond?”

الانتقال إلى النشاط

Something dramatic, like entering wearing giant glasses and pretending like nothing is different. “Oh wait, is something different about me today? Oh, I hadn’t noticed! You’re right!”

الانتقال من النشاط

You could make the transition to the next activity be related to finding something different—playing “One of these things is not like the other” with vocab words, puppets, etc. “Which one is different? Yes! I’m glad you practiced your observation skills earlier, I can’t get anything past you now!”

ترتيب الفصول الدراسية

  • المستوى 1: Online—turn your camera on and off.
  • Level-Up: In-person—partners scattered around the room.

يدعم / مواد / أدوات تكيفية

  • While the person is making their three changes, consider adding in a task for the rest of the group.
    • Sing a song (Jeopardy theme song, etc.).
    • “Can you find something in your space that starts with the letter س?”
    • “I spy…something orange!” (using colors/objects that are seen in someone’s square).
  • Provide costumes/props for students to use so their costume changes are more dramatic. For more of a challenge, encourage students to make subtle changes (e.g., roll up their sleeves, change which side their ponytail is on, etc.)

الأدوار المحتملة لمحترفي الفصول الدراسية

  • Online: Lead the group in a song or activity while you are changing your screen.
  • In-person: Float around to the different pairs to make sure everyone understands the instructions and is working well with their partner.

التعديلات الخاصة بالتعليمات عن بُعد

Laptop Icon

“Everyone, come look at my screen! Look very carefully. What am I wearing? What objects are around me? What else do you notice?”

Once everyone has had a good look, turn off your video and change three things about your image.

Start your video and have students guess what three things are different.

                                  Repeat with a student as the person who is changing three things.