Mazo adaptado

Mazo adaptado

¿Qué es?

Una cubierta para la cabeza de un mazo.

¿Dónde se encuentra?

¡La sala de música, o trae la tuya!

¿Como lo uso?

Use material to cover the head of your drumsticks or mallets to help reduce the noise level in the classroom. There are silicone or rubber “practice heads”  that you can buy to put on your drumsticks, or you can DIY by adding some duct tape, foam, cloth, cork stopper, etc. to the tip of the mallet to muffle the sound. For bucket drumming, you can also add a sheet of silicone to the top of your bucket to reduce the volume of the drum.


Probablemente en el aula, Traer contigo

Necesita direcciones

Motricidad gruesa, motricidad fina o adaptativa cognitiva