

¿Qué es?

A device to amplify voices so that everyone can hear.

¿Dónde se encuentra?

In the auditorium, or bring your own.

¿Como lo uso?

Use when giving instructions, for student responses, on stage, etc. Those who are hard of hearing would prefer you to use a microphone, even if you are trained to “project.” Some hearing aids can be linked to a microphone that the Classroom Teacher might ask you to wear around your neck. In this case, you may not hear any amplification, but the student wearing the hearing aid will. Speak clearly and remember that you have it on!


Probablemente en el aula, Traer contigo

Necesita direcciones

Motricidad gruesa, motricidad fina o adaptativa cognitiva, Apoyos de comunicación o alternativas de lenguaje