Banda de Thera

Banda de Thera

A blue band tied around the legs of a chair, a yellow and a gray band flat on the floor.

¿Qué es?

Una banda elástica que se usa a menudo en fisioterapia.

¿Dónde se encuentra?

Physical and Occupational Therapists might have Therabands in their office or sensory gym. Classroom Teachers might also have extras around the room.

¿Como lo uso?

You can use a Theraband in activities that require some resistance. Another common use is to tie it to the bottom of a chair or desk for students to put their feet against and push/bounce as necessary. This gives sensory input and lets their feet stay busy.


Probablemente en el aula

Necesita direcciones

Motricidad gruesa, motricidad fina o adaptativa cognitiva, Relacionado con el estado de ánimo o la energía, apoyo a la construcción comunitaria