Gayathri Iyer
Gayathri is a School Counselor at The Young Women’s Leadership School of Astoria in Queens, where she dreamed to work with daughters of immigrants familiar to her own experience. She provides group and individual therapy, restorative discipline, academic planning, conflict mediation, crisis care, community building, and holistic mental health referrals. She was a 2020 accepted speaker at the National Coalition of Girls Schools Conference, and teacher consultation to Girls Inc and NYC DOE staff on trauma-informed, anti-racist, and inclusive practices for students of color, students with disabilities, and LGBTQIA+ youth. She brings her media arts background and healing justice framework to promote the power of personal story, body positivity, sisterhood relationships, self-awareness, and safety in technology use. Gayathri holds a MEd in Counseling from Hunter College and BFA in Cinema Studies and Journalism from New York University, where she is currently adjunct faculty in the Department of Applied Psychology.