라임 타임
Review or introduce rhyme as a tool for poetry, music, and theater.
- A Classroom Teacher reviews/introduces rhyme as a tool for poetry, music, and theater.
- They model rhyming some simple words (at, cat, sat, etc.) and ask students what sound they hear repeated. You can then ask students for more words that have the same sound.
- Ask a student to give an example of a word and then ask for one or two other students to find words rhyming with the selected word.
- Introduce the game. Sort students into groups of four. Two students will “rhyme off” with each other while another keeps time, and the fourth chooses a word for students to rhyme. The two students will go back and forth with each other trying to rhyme the selected word, and the timekeeper will make sure that neither takes more than 10-15 seconds (depending on the students’ needs) to respond. When all rhyming words have been found, students can rotate roles so that each member of the group has filled each role.
활동으로의 전환
- Begin by reading a short rhyming poem to get the students’ attention. To address other learning needs, play a video or audio recording of a poem while students are at their seats or gathered in the meeting area (based on students’ needs).
활동에서 전환
- Process the activity with some reflection questions so that students can make connections to the theme of the lesson and residency, and also to bring the energy back down before the next activity.
지지대/적응 재료/도구
- For younger students or those with lower levels of literacy, provide pre-cut strips with words and have groups select a word for each round.
- For students who are less verbal, make packets of pre-cut strips with words for each group. The students can then physically sort the strips into rhyming words.
- For students who need visual aids, add to the above by having images of the word on the strips.
- For older students who are motivated by healthy/supportive competition, add an element of time to each round so that students have to try to work quickly to rhyme words.
수업 전문가를 위한 가능한 역할
- Participate in some of the teams.
- Work with students who need support with the words and/or images.
원격 교육을 위한 조정

Place groups of four in breakout rooms to follow the activity as described above.