Zip Zap Zop
제공자 Janice Acevedo
이 게임은 수업에 활기를 불어넣고 아이컨택의 중요성에 대한 인식을 키울 수 있습니다.
- Have the Classroom Teacher ask for students to form a circle.
- You will start with passing a clap and the word “Zip” around the circle in one direction, with energy! The goal here is to try to maintain a steady beat as the clap is passed around the circle.
- Once the class has managed to pass the clap with continuous energy and rhythm, you can level-up to change the direction of the clap. “If we want to change the direction of the clap, someone needs to say ‘Zap.’”
- “When the clap gets to you, you can send it across the circle by making eye contact with a classmate across from you, and saying ‘Zop.’ This sends the clap across the circle and the person who receives this clap can decide what direction to start the clap again.”
- 반사
- Students can reflect on what makes this game successful.
- “What are things that were done that made the game more challenging?”
- “How do these qualities play into becoming a strong ensemble?”
활동으로의 전환
“We are going to take some time to get even stronger as an ensemble. We have to feel each other’s energy to make this game really successful. Are we ready?”
활동에서 전환
“Let’s take one deep breath and see if we can all clap at the same time. One, two, three, clap!”
교실 배치
A standing or sitting circle.
지지대/적응 재료/도구
- Create a circle with chairs, or tape on the ground.
- Nonverbal options: “Zip”=one clap, “Zap”=two claps, “Zop”=three claps. Or create different gestures for each one.
- A metronome or music with a strong beat can help with keeping a steady beat.
- If/when someone makes a mistake—we cheer!
- Instead of clapping: point, nod, create gestures as a class.
수업 전문가를 위한 가능한 역할
- Demonstrate the levels as we learn them as a group.
- Help reset the circle if there is a moment when the clap becomes stuck on one side.
원격 교육을 위한 조정

Try to assign students numbers, so each one knows their place in the
virtual circle.