

그것은 무엇입니까?

A stopwatch device to keep time.

어디에서 찾을 수 있습니까?

Timers are often near the chill zone or found throughout the classroom. A larger, visual timer may be near the “front” of the room. You can also find visual timers online and use the SMART Board.

어떻게 사용합니까?

You can time student transitions, breakout sessions, teacher talk time, etc. A visual timer can help everyone know how much time is left in a lesson or given activity. If a student needs a break from the group, using a timer can help them take their break, and provides a smooth transition out of the break.

Ways to use a timer in your class:


교실에서 가능성 있음, 당신과 함께

해결이 필요합니다

감각, 기분 또는 에너지 관련, 커뮤니티 구축 지원, 커뮤니케이션 지원 또는 언어 대안