Multiple Script and Dialogue Options

Multiple Script and Dialogue Options

Что это?

A means to provide alternative ways for individuals to interact with a script and deliver their dialogue.

Где его найти?

Make it yourself.

Как мне его использовать?

This can be adapted to your students’ needs. You can create a large-print script, edit dialogue from existing scripts to make it more accessible for the actor playing the part, put dialogue into a student’s communication device, create prompt cards to aid in memory, consider having a shadow actor to drop in lines (standing nearby to say the lines to the actor before they say them to the audience), create physical cues (pairing movement with dialogue to make meaning), etc.


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Нужно это Адреса

Полная моторика, мелкая моторика или когнитивно-адаптивный, Коммуникационная поддержка или языковые альтернативы