원을 형성하다

This transition and skill-building activity offers strategies to teach students the skill of creating a circle in intentional and playful ways.

원을 형성하다

원을 형성하다

제공자 로라 보그와트


This transition and skill-building activity offers strategies to teach students the skill of creating a circle in intentional and playful ways.


  • “What does a circle look like? Can you show me with your body—your fingers, your arms, your mouth, etc.?”
  • “We are going to stand in a circle, where everyone is part of the circle and has enough personal space so they don’t feel crowded.”
  • “Let’s connect to the people next to us. You can grab the person’s hand if you are both comfortable. Or you can make contact with them in another way (e.g. elbow to elbow, finger to finger) as long as the person next to you is comfortable with it.”
  • “Let’s take a deep breath in and blow it out into the middle of the circle and when we do, everyone will move back. Our circle will expand like when you breathe into a balloon. This is a great circle! I can see everyone and it looks like we all have our own personal space.”

Other options:

  • Have students practice getting into a circle from different positions in the room—from desks, spread around the classroom, sitting on the rug, etc.
  • Add an element of time to see how quickly and quietly students can get into the circle.

Also see the resource on 파트너 또는 소그룹 찾기 그리고  그룹 구성: 장단점 및 전략.

지지대/적응 재료/도구

  • 책상에서, 교실 곳곳에 흩어져 있는 것, 깔개에 앉는 것 등 방의 다양한 위치에서 원을 그리며 들어가는 연습을 하십시오.
  • 시간 요소를 추가하여 우리가 얼마나 빠르고 조용히 우리의 서클에 들어갈 수 있는지 확인하십시오.
  • Add a visual timer so we can see how much time we have left, or play a short piece of music that by the end of, we need to be in our best circle.
  • Use poly spots or tape on the floor to denote the circle. Tape will allow a different number of students to be part of the circle each time. Poly spots or tape x’s will help the students find personal space.
  • Hold up a visual of a circle. When you say, “Let’s form a circle,” point to your visual. You can also make a circle with your hands/body as a visual.
  • 물리적 접촉이 유용하지 않다면 학생들이 손을 잡지 않도록 하거나 작은 스카프의 양쪽 끝을 잡게 하십시오. 이것은 또한 그들에게 조금 더 많은 공간을 제공할 것입니다(인간 매듭 게임을 훨씬 더 쉽게 만들 수 있는 수정!).

Possible Roles for Classroom Professionals

  • 모델
  • 비주얼을 잡아라

Adjustments for Remote Instruction

To get students into a specific order, you could help them reorder the boxes on their Zoom screen (if they have the updated version). Or you can have them type their names in the chat to create a stacked order.

예술 형식

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