모든 사각형에는 원이 숨어 있습니다!

This set of instructions will support students in cutting out a circle without drawing it first. It also supports students in visualizing and observing shapes. 

모든 사각형에는 원이 숨어 있습니다!

모든 사각형에는 원이 숨어 있습니다!

제공자 엔젤 톰슨


This set of instructions will support students in cutting out a circle without drawing it first. It also supports students in visualizing and observing shapes. 


  • Demonstrate how to cut out squares.
  • Once done, put scissors down and hold your squares up.
  • Ask what the difference is between a square and a circle.
  • Cut off the corners of the square, creating an octagon.
  • Remember: First cut the four corners off of your square, then keep getting rid of the corners until you have none.
  • 반사: “If we want to find the circle in the square, what do we need to get rid of?”
  • 핵심어: Collage, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, octagon.

활동으로의 전환

This activity would be after the presentation of an agenda and before the core of the lesson/work time. Transition in by handing out the tools (scissors and paper) and indicate the completion of the activity by sharing circles and asking reflection questions.

활동에서 전환

Use your circles to create art!

교실 배치

 Students at desks/tables with attention on the front of the room.

지지대/적응 재료/도구

  • 질문할 때 응답을 위한 추가 시간을 허용하십시오.
  • Affirmations can be communicated verbally, physically, or with a device.
  • Specially modified scissors may be appropriate for some students.
  • Printed illustration of shapes including a circle drawn inside of a square.

수업 전문가를 위한 가능한 역할

  • Provide information regarding students’ use of scissors
  • Assist students with how to properly hold scissors.
  • A 1:1 Paraprofessional can rotate the square as the student works the scissors to remove corners.
  • Assist in handing out or collecting supplies as needed.

원격 교육을 위한 조정

You can use an overhead camera to show a close-up of cutting.

예술 형식

