Loud Music

Loud Music

그것은 무엇입니까?

Loud music through the floor can help dancers who are hard of hearing follow along by feeling the beat.

어디에서 찾을 수 있습니까?

Speaker or drums.

어떻게 사용합니까?

Put the speaker on the floor and turn up the bass, or have the student placed in a dance spot near the speaker. Adding live percussion can help give that same beat that reverberates through your body and makes it easier to follow along. Be mindful of a mixed classroom where loud music might be overstimulating for some students. You can prepare by moving them away from the speaker or providing headphones.

Another Option

Use an audio visualizer that provides visual effects and/or animations for a piece of music. Google has an extension for Chrome that can be added to any song that you are playing, and it works with Spotify.

Google Audio Visualizer


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