Working with Classroom Partners

In inclusion settings, and more specifically in ICT classrooms, there may be many classroom partners working to support students and instructors. You will encounter the term “Classroom Professional” frequently in GIVE resources; this term refers to school staff working with teaching artists in the classroom. This could include subject area teachers, special education teachers, and any type of related service provider. “Classroom Partner” resources extend beyond classroom professionals to also include caregiver involvement, and information for a teaching artist working in a co-teaching model with another artist.

Explore Classroom Partners Resources

  • Engaging Classroom Professionals and Caregivers Online

    Classroom Partners, Remote Teaching & Learning

    Explore ways to engage Classroom Professionals—and possibly students' caregivers, too—while teaching online.

  • Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) Classrooms

    Classroom Partners

    Learn what an ICT Classroom is and what to expect when you are teaching in one.

  • Paraprofessional Roles & Responsibilities

    Classroom Partners

    Understand the various roles of Paraprofessionals (Paras) in the classroom and explore ways to engage them in your lesson.

  • Related Service Providers

    Classroom Partners

    Understand the role Related Service Providers (RSPs) play in supporting students' growth and well being beyond the curriculum.

  • What to Advocate for Within Your Organization

    Classroom Partners

    Understand what support is available from your organization and how to advocate for it so you can be at your best in the classroom

  • Who is in the Classroom? Collaborating with Classroom Professionals

    Classroom Partners

    Get to know the classroom professionals you may meet Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) classrooms, and explore ways to communicate, engage, and collaborate.