Working with Classroom Partners

In inclusion settings, and more specifically in ICT classrooms, there may be many classroom partners working to support students and instructors. You will encounter the term “Classroom Professional” frequently in GIVE resources; this term refers to school staff working with teaching artists in the classroom. This could include subject area teachers, special education teachers, and any type of related service provider. “Classroom Partner” resources extend beyond classroom professionals to also include caregiver involvement, and information for a teaching artist working in a co-teaching model with another artist.

Explore Classroom Partners Resources

  • Arts Residency Profile Form

    Classroom Partners

    Send this Arts Residency Profile to Classroom Professionals to learn more about their class and students or use it as part of your planning meeting.

  • Classroom Observation Tips

    Classroom Partners

    If possible, ask to observe the classroom before your workshop or residency and use these tips to guide your observation.

  • Co-Generating Goals with Classroom Professionals

    Classroom Partners

    Use the goals of the Classroom Professionals you are working with to support or inform your lesson plans to foster more collaboration and investment.

  • Engaging Classroom Professionals and Caregivers Online

    Classroom Partners, Remote Teaching & Learning

    Explore ways to engage Classroom Professionals—and possibly students' caregivers, too—while teaching online.

  • Paraprofessional Roles & Responsibilities

    Classroom Partners

    Understand the various roles of Paraprofessionals (Paras) in the classroom and explore ways to engage them in your lesson.

  • Planning Meeting Agenda for Online Workshops or Residencies

    Classroom Partners, Remote Teaching & Learning

    Follow this suggested planning meeting agenda which includes specific questions to set you up for success when teaching online.

  • Planning Meeting Guidelines

    Classroom Partners

    Use these strategies and questions to help gather student information and build relationships with Classroom Professionals.

  • Planning Meeting Preparation by Role

    Classroom Partners

    Plan for a productive planning meeting by understanding each person's role and the information they bring to the meeting