Teaching Tools & Materials

Select a tool to learn more about it—what it is, where to find it in the classroom, and how you can use it as a Teaching Artist. Use the filters to see if it is likely in the classroom or if you should bring it with you, and what specific need it might be addressing or support.

  • When choosing video clips, select clips that have captions available, and that represent a diverse group of people.
  • Put adaptive materials in with all of the other materials. (Don’t create a stigma around them.)
  • Have both skinny and thick markers available unless there’s a specific reason not to.
  • Set expectations for how fidgets can be used. Have a mix. Keep things clean.
  • Have unscented hand wipes in case of scent sensitivity or allergies.
  • Keep fidgets, headphones, and other tools in an easy-to-access but not highly visible place.
  • When planning a field trip or an activity outside the usual classroom space, be sure to plan for what adaptive tools/materials you will need to bring with you and which you may lose access to (e.g., non-portable tools like a SMARTboard).

Remote Teaching and Learning Tip:

For resources beyond the GIVE Guide related to digital tools available to accommodate students with disabilities while teaching online, check out these Remote Teaching and Learning resources.

  • Sensory Tools

  • Stamps and Stickers

    Gross Motor, Fine Motor, or Cognitive Adaptive
  • Timer

    Communication Supports or Language Alternatives, Mood or Energy Related, Community Building Support, Sensory
  • Velcro

    Communication Supports or Language Alternatives, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, or Cognitive Adaptive
  • Visual Agenda

    Communication Supports or Language Alternatives, Mood or Energy Related, Community Building Support
  • Visual Aids

    Communication Supports or Language Alternatives, Mood or Energy Related, Community Building Support, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, or Cognitive Adaptive
  • Visual Vocabulary

    Gross Motor, Fine Motor, or Cognitive Adaptive
  • Vocab Wall

    Communication Supports or Language Alternatives