We cannot speak about inclusion settings without addressing the intersectionality of disability and race, as well as other social identities such as gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. This resource defines intersectionality and describes its manifestations in education. It also offers strategies for addressing implicit biases in Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) classrooms and provides a list of anti-racist and intersectionality resources for educators.
Fill out our Rubik’s Cube with your own social identities. How is/are your identity/ies similar to and/or different from the identities of your students? How might this impact your students?
التقاطع هو دراسة كيفية ارتباط الهويات الاجتماعية المتداخلة أو المتقاطعة - مثل العرق والجنس والطبقة - بأنظمة وهياكل التمييز وعدم المساواة.
In the words of Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw, who coined the term, intersectionality is
“a lens, a prism, for seeing the way in which various forms of inequality often operate together and exacerbate each other. We tend to talk about race inequality as separate from inequality based on gender, class, sexuality, or immigration status. What’s often missing is how some people are subject to all of these, and the experience is not just the sum of its parts.”
Let’s Use a Rubik’s Cube as a Metaphor for Intersectionality
Imagine each color represents a different type of social identity (e.g., red for ethnicity) or identity trait.
Here, the unsolved Rubik’s Cube illustrates how much variety there can be in identity groupings. This is a reflection of our student population.
People’s life experiences can vary depending on their grouping of identity traits. Because of these groupings some people experience more privilege than others, while others experience more oppression. As educators, rather than trying to solve the puzzle, we can acknowledge the variety within these colorful planes, and by acknowledging our student’s whole selves we can move toward equity.
Now imagine each side of the Rubik’s Cube is one student, with nine intersecting identities. Then imagine that four students represent the four sides of the cube, and that all of the colors on the cube represent the life experiences these four students bring into your classroom.
ما أوجه التشابه التي قد يتشاركونها؟
ماذا يمكن أن تكون بعض الاختلافات الرئيسية بينهما؟
كيف يمكن أن تؤثر أوجه التشابه والاختلاف هذه على الطريقة التي يتعلمون بها؟
Self-Reflection Questions:
How can stereotypes based on students’ social identities play out in the classroom? What can we do to prevent students from feeling harmed?
كيف نلتزم بالفهم والتدخل من أجل توفير فرص تعليمية متساوية للطلاب بغض النظر عن هوياتهم؟
Fill in your own social identities on our Rubik’s Cube. How is/are your identity/ies similar to or different from the identities of your students? Can you find common ground to better connect with your students?
In the case of intersectionality in education, Crenshaw encourages educators to think about how the intersectionality of identities affects the relationships between students and educators, peers, and administrators. It is only by committing to understanding intersecting identities, how they might affect students, and the history behind these identities, that we can work toward creating liberated learning environments in which all students can thrive.
التحيز الضمني
تم توثيق العنصرية الهيكلية والتمييز في التعليم بشكل جيد. توجد أبحاث أقل حول تقاطع الإعاقة والهويات الاجتماعية الأخرى مثل العرق والجنس. ومع ذلك ، فإن هذا الموضوع مهم لفهمنا للديناميكية داخل الفصول الدراسية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات.
One of the reasons that the intersectionality of disability and other social identities is less researched may be that within the educational systems, decision-makers who usually have a lot of discretion often believe that they are acting objectively based on facts. However, research shows that التحيزات الضمنية—that is, attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding and actions in an unconscious manner—exist in all aspects of education and disability diagnosis (identification, placement, and discipline).
(Note: The presenter speaks quickly, particularly during a montage within the video. You can press the settings icon on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to choose a slower playback speed.)
Racial bias and white supremacy can lead to misdiagnosis, over-diagnosis of specific types of disabilities, and under-diagnosis of others. اقرأ المزيد عن ثقافة تفوق البيض في هذا المقال.
Studies have shown that Black and other minority students are
more likely to be misdiagnosed;
more likely to be educated in restrictive environments as opposed to the least restrictive environment called for by the Individuals With Disabilities Act (IDEA);
likely to be over-diagnosed in high-incident categories of disability (which are more subjective) and under-diagnosed in low-incident categories (which are more objective).
يعد العدد الكبير بشكل غير متناسب من الطلاب السود الذين يعانون من تشخيص إعاقة ذاتية مقابل تشخيصات موضوعية مؤشرًا واضحًا على مدى تأثير التحيز الضمني في تشخيص إعاقة الطالب.
Gender Bias and Disability Diagnosis
في مثال آخر على التحيز الضمني الذي يظهر في التشخيص ، تظهر الأبحاث أن النساء غالبًا ما يتم استبعادهن من الأبحاث الطبية ويتم تشخيصهن بشكل خاطئ في كثير من الأحيان. والمثال الشائع على ذلك هو قلة تشخيص التوحد لدى النساء المرتبط بنقص البحث.
“The percentage served under IDEA who received services for autism was higher for male students (13 percent) than for female students (5 percent).”
Author Maya Dusenbery spoke at the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine Conference about the impact of implicit bias on women’s health stemming from two major gaps: a “knowledge gap” and a “trust gap.” In the article “Women More Often Misdiagnosed Because of Gaps in Trust and Knowledge,” Liz Seegert shares Dusenbery’s ideas from the conference. Dusenbery explained, “There’s a general lack of knowledge about women’s symptoms, bodies, and conditions that disproportionately affect them. That’s the legacy of decades of women being underrepresented or excluded from the research.”
Dusenbery went on to note that “there’s a lack of trust in women’s self-reports about what they’re experiencing, and a tendency to dismiss or psychologize complaints. That is part of the broader cultural stereotypes about women, and in particular, the صراع الهستيريا ، whose explanations ranged from a ‘wandering womb’ to demonic possession to witchcraft. Once Freud entered the picture at the end of the 19th century, hysteria became a catch-all psychological explanation for these unexplained complaints, which manifested as physical symptoms.”
Implicit Bias and Consequences in the Classroom
هناك أيضًا عواقب بمجرد تشخيص الطلاب. على سبيل المثال ، هناك نسبة عالية من الطلاب الذين تم تشخيص إعاقتهم ويتم فصلهم عن العمل وطردهم.
“Nearly 75 percent of special education students were suspended or expelled at least once.”
Keeping in mind that during the 2018–19 school year, more than seven million students in the United States of America received special education services, we can begin to sense the grand scale of implicit bias and lack of awareness of how intersectionality can impact students with disabilities in ICT classrooms. Often the implicit biases held by classroom educators and administrators can compound upon one another, which can have consequences beyond students’ K-12 education.
Going back to the analogy of the Rubik’s Cube, consider that this resource has only cited very briefly how implicit biases often play out in diagnosis and treatment with two of so many possible identities.
استراتيجيات لمعالجة التحيزات الضمنية في الفصول الدراسية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات
لا أحد محصن ضد التحيز الضمني ، وكلما زاد إدراكنا وإدراكنا للتحيزات الخاصة بنا ، كانت فرصنا أفضل في التغلب عليها وتقديم بيئات تعليمية متحررة لطلابنا.
ماذا يمكننا أن نفعل كمساعدات فنية؟
بصفتنا فنانين في التدريس ، هناك العديد من الاستراتيجيات التي يمكننا استخدامها لمعالجة تحيزاتنا الضمنية. These strategies focus on self-reflection and lifelong learning.
تعرف على تحيزاتنا الفردية وكن متحمسًا للعدالة.
التفاعل مع الأفراد من مختلف الثقافات وزيادة فهمنا الثقافي.
حدد أوجه التشابه والاختلاف بيننا وبين طلابنا والبالغين في الغرفة حتى نتمكن من إيجاد أرضية مشتركة والتواصل بشكل أفضل.
خطط لدروسنا لتكون سهلة المنال ومنصفة لمجموعة متنوعة من المتعلمين وتجنب فصل أو وصم أي طالب.
استمع بنشاط ، بدلاً من وضع افتراضات ، عند التفاعل مع الطلاب.
قم بتخصيص الطلاب والتركيز على نقاط القوة الفردية للطلاب وإمكانية النمو.
انعكاس الذات:
استكشف التحيزات الضمنية المحتملة الخاصة بك. مشروع ضمني* في جامعة هارفارد ، تقدم تقييمات مجانية لمساعدة الأفراد على تحديد تحيزاتهم الضمنية. تختبر هذه التقييمات الارتباطات الضمنية حول العرق والجنس والتوجه الجنسي ومواضيع أخرى. يتم تقديمها بلغات مختلفة.
* على الرغم من طرح أسئلة حول دقة وفائدة هذه التقييمات ، فإننا نذكر مشروع ضمنيًا هنا لأنه كان مفيدًا في تطوير مفهوم التحيز الضمني.