Mejores prácticas en diseño universal para el aprendizaje

Obtenga información sobre el Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje (UDL) para ayudar a garantizar que cualquier lección que enseñe sea accesible y equitativa para una amplia variedad de alumnos.

Mejores prácticas en diseño universal para el aprendizaje
  • Empezando
  • Consejos prácticos y adaptaciones

Mejores prácticas en diseño universal para el aprendizaje


Take a lesson plan that you have already created and use the UDL checklist at the end of this resource to see how you might adjust it.


Present information and provide students the option to respond using multiple forms of communication: visual, oral, written, and/or using technology.


Para obtener más información sobre UDL sobre la marcha, consulte los enlaces al final de este recurso.

A humorous cartoon of a gray elephant, tall blue bird, green and brown turtle, and green snake standing in front of the "One Size Fits All Store" which has a Sale sign in the window.

Crédito de la imagen: Jack Corbett

UDL is an approach used by a broad range of educators to reach all types of learners. GIVE has chosen to incorporate this framework into the design of this guide because of the ways it can support Teaching Artists in giving all students various ways to learn, express their learning, and succeed in the classroom. UDL is not one-size-fits-all, nor is it the only way to approach creating inclusive classrooms.

As an arts-based Teaching Artist, you are already inherently doing so much! UDL is a framework to help you reflect upon the great practices you already have and/or the gap areas in which you might want to grow.

Consejo de enseñanza y aprendizaje a distancia:

Aprender más acerca de UDL y cómo puede apoyar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje a distancia.

Actividad de muestra

ACTIVIDAD #1: I Am a Tree

Hora: 10 min (Introduction, Opening Ritual, Warm Up)

  • “Right now we are in a classroom! Let’s explore a different environment, or place, and imagine that we are in a park. Let’s use our bodies and voices to create a frozen image (a tableau) of a park.”
  • “One person will enter into the playing space and will say, ‘I am a ____.’ For example, ‘I am a tree.’ And they will strike a pose as a tree. You will have to hold this pose for an extended period of time, so make a choice that is comfortable for your body to hold. You can be a person, place, or thing. Make big, bold choices!”
  • “The next person will build off of the tree and add another frozen pose into our park tableau.”
  • “You are also encouraged to add a sound, dialogue, levels, dynamics (e.g., super speed, slow motion, etc.).”
  • Reflexión: “Let’s reflect on how you made choices about using your body, voice, and imagination, and how you felt in the tableau.”

  • Los estudiantes pueden participar añadiendo una pose, un sonido o dirigiendo el cuadro desde el exterior.
  • Students who are less verbal or nonverbal can fill in the blank by striking a pose without naming what they are.
  • Group brainstorming, printed or digital images, and videos of parks can support students in their decision-making.
  • Side-coaching and narrating throughout can support engagement.

  • Participate in the tableau.
  • Support decision-making by sharing images.

  • Transition into the activity with imagination: “The classroom is fading away, and we’re imagining we’re in a park.”
  • Transition out of the activity with movement: “Travel back to your desk as your favorite living thing we found in the park.”

Forma de arte: Teatro

Rango de edad: K-2, 3-5

Palabras clave: Entorno, Tableau, Niveles

Meta: Introducir a los alumnos al vocabulario teatral: ambiente, cuadro, niveles. Activar las herramientas de voz, cuerpo e imaginación de los actores.

Arreglo del salón de clases: Audiencia / Espacio de juego

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