
This community-building physical activity helps your students develop collaboration, communication, and creative skills as they work together as a team to complete the task of building a household machine with only their bodies.


贡献者 耶尔·本-锡安

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This community-building physical activity helps your students develop collaboration, communication, and creative skills as they work together as a team to complete the task of building a household machine with only their bodies.


  • Before starting this activity, prepare index cards with names of machines (e.g., coffee maker, TV, alarm clock, microwave, computer, etc.).
  • Explain that the goal of the activity is to work as a group to create a machine by using only their bodies. Every student on the team must be included and students cannot use any additional materials or props.
  • 将学生分成三到六人一组。
  • Give groups time (about five minutes) to create their machines.
  • Ask each group to share their machine with the whole class. 
  • After a group has shared, have the other students raise their hands if they think they can identify the machine.
  • The activity ends when every group has had a chance to share their machine.
  • 反射: “What happened during the activity? How did your group work together? If your group were to do the activity again, what would you do differently? What collaboration skills did we use during this activity? How can we use these skills outside of the activity?”
  • Extension: Students can create their own machines, real or imaginary.


Ask students to brainstorm the machines they’ve used already today. Write their ideas on cards.


Invite students to move back to their desks like one of the machines they saw their classmates create.


Space for students to work in groups of three to six. Audience space to share group machines with the class (e.g., front of classroom).


  • Provide cards or paper with the name and picture of each machine for each group. 
  • Provide written small-group directions with the steps outlined.
  • Use visual vocabulary (downloadable) supports: 形状, 活力, 空间, Movement/Locomotion, Rhythm, 级别.
  • 学生还可以通过提供音效或直接从外部提供帮助来参与。
  • 该小组的机器可以围绕需要保持坐姿或静止的任何学生建造。


  • Participate in creating a machine.
  • Increase participation of all group members by supporting the group brainstorm and suggesting modifications if necessary.
  • Create a machine one-on-one with a student if necessary.

Adjustments for Remote Instructions

In breakout rooms, students can create a visual and/or written representation of their “machine” in a shared Slide. They can also create a series of gestures that represents the machine, then the whole group can share the sequence in unison.




15-20 mins