Legato Staccato 名称游戏


Legato Staccato 名称游戏

Legato Staccato 名称游戏

Contributed by T. Scott Lilly




  • Form a circle.
  • “Today for our warm-up, we will learn two terms from the language of music, Italian. The two terms are legatostaccato."
  • Sing five notes: “La-la-la-la-la” (C,D,E,F,G) (Do-re-mi-fa-sol). “Class, sing that with me: La-la-la-la-la.” Give positive feedback.
  • “Repeat after me: legato—smooth and connected.” As you say this,  move in a legato way.  
  • “Now if I wanted to sing our five notes legato, it would sound like—” (sing it smooth and connected, like you’re sliding the notes into each other upward).
  • “Repeat after me: staccato—sharp and disconnected.” Say this in a staccato manner. “Now our same five notes will sound like this: La-la-la-la-la.” Say it staccato, very short with space in between.
  • Repeat this a few times, singing the five notes—legato and staccato—all together.
  • “Now we’re going to play the Staccato Legato Name Game. We’ll go around the circle saying our name either staccato or legato, it’s up to you, but you should make a clear choice. We’ll all repeat how you said it and then decide if it was staccato or legato. You can add a gesture or movement to it if you wish.”
  • Model the activity by saying your name and moving in a legato or staccato way. Ask students to guess which it was. Model again with the other option.
  • Go around the circle and ask students to say their name in a legato or a staccato way. The whole class guesses staccato or legato after each turn.
  • If time permits, go around the circle twice and ask students to say their name both ways.


Circle up in the manner you normally do. The form a circle activity also gives some ideas.


Ask students to move back to their desks or tables in a legato way. Notice who’s doing it exceptionally well.


A circle is ideal. You can do it at their desks or stations with a clear mechanism or instruction for students to know who is going next. For example, students could go by row, table, etc.


  • Use Go and Stop cards to cue when to sing the five notes together.
  • Instead of saying your name out loud, use a gesture in a legato or staccato way. The group will repeat it back and guess which it is.
  • Use a keyboard or instrument to play the five notes: C-D-E-F-G (ascending). Play straight quarter notes. For legato, play very smoothly, connecting the notes like it’s gliding. For staccato, play very sharp and short (1/16th notes with rests between so it’s still in time). Here’s an external video example
  • Share examples of music that exemplifies legato and staccato dynamics. Invite students to listen and identify sections that sound legato or staccato to them. Here’s an external video example.


  • Help to model the activity. 
  • Participate as a member of the circle or a group.


Laptop IconInvite students one at a time to unmute themselves and sing the five notes in a legato and staccato way. Invite students to unmute themselves and say their name and move in a legato or staccato way. Students can add their guesses in the chat or raise their hand to guess.



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