Encuentre consejos y herramientas para planificar y facilitar clases en línea en vivo para estudiantes con diversas necesidades en esta guía de ArtsConnection Teaching Artists.
Este recurso fue desarrollado por ArtsConnection Teaching Artists y se ha compartido generosamente como parte de la Guía GIVE. En él, encontrará orientación para planificar y facilitar clases en línea en vivo para estudiantes con diversas necesidades.
Conclusiones rápidas
Send multiple reminders to students, Classroom Professionals, and caregivers, when appropriate. You might send one reminder in advance with information about what to expect, as well as another reminder an hour or so before class.
Do an Access Check at the beginning of the class to check that volume and visuals work for students, to share ways students can support each other’s access needs (like muting microphones), and to identify how students can ask for support throughout the lesson if their access needs aren’t being met.
Al diseñar el plan de la lección para su clase en vivo, puede encontrar información útil en el DAR recursos para crear contenido asincrónico. Cuando esté listo para dirigir su lección en vivo en línea, el recurso a continuación lo ayudará a satisfacer una variedad de necesidades de los estudiantes.
The goal of a live class should center on student engagement. Meet students where they are and focus more on process than product, more on community than content.
Keep in mind restrictions that students may face in their home environments. Remind students to navigate their space safely if the lesson involves movement, and encourage them to use materials they already have on hand.
Try incorporating a fun warm-up at the beginning of class.
Wacky Jacks: Similar to jumping jacks, but students are invited to move however they want, with or without jumping.
Spine Stretch: Invite students to fold forward as far as they can go (seated or standing), then roll up in slow motion counting up or down from 10.
Big Hands/Little Hands: Invite students to follow along as you make big movements with your hands, then small movements. Move to Big Face/Little Face and Big Body/Little Body. You can even combine: Big Body/Big Face, Big Hands/Little Body.
Camera Play: Have students move toward and away from the camera, in and out of the frame, etc.
Pass the Stretch: Invite each student to stretch in a way that feels good and then pass the stretch to a classmate by saying that student’s name.
Lead a creative movement warm-up like this one offered by ArtsConnection Teaching Artist Rebecca Strimaitis: Move and Stretch
Incorporate moments that encourage students’ voices and feedback.
Invite students to respond to questions or prompts in the chat.
Invite students to rename themselves on the screen (if possible). Think about asking each student to include the name they would like to be called and their pronouns, as well as one of the following ideas.
A word for how they feel today or how they want to feel at the end of the session.
Invite students to turn on and off their mics/videos at different points throughout the lesson.
Asegúrese de proporcionar instrucciones claras sobre cómo hacer esto o, si es posible en función de sus capacidades de hospedaje, ayude a los estudiantes que necesitan ayuda para usar estas funciones.
Avise con suficiente antelación a los estudiantes y profesionales del aula antes de la clase en vivo. Asegúrese de incluir la fecha, la hora, la plataforma y cualquier material que puedan necesitar para la clase.
Es posible que incluso desee compartir la agenda de la clase en vivo con anticipación. Esto podría ser en forma de correo electrónico, un mensaje corto pregrabado o un mensaje en el sistema de gestión del aprendizaje que usa su salón de clases.
Today during our live class, we will be puppeteers. All you will need are three household objects. If you have a piece of paper, a marker, and tape, that would be great as well, but it’s okay if you don’t.
Durante la clase, haremos lo siguiente:
remind ourselves what a puppeteer does; find objects from around our homes;
turn those objects into puppets; practice bringing our puppets to life!
¡No puedo esperar a ver tus increíbles marionetas!
—Ms. Laura
Notify students, caregivers, and Classroom Professionals about the live class again, an hour before it starts.
Inicie sesión temprano para configurar, probar cualquier necesidad de audio / visual y solucionar cualquier problema técnico. Este es un buen momento para limpiar tu escritorio y desactivar las notificaciones si vas a compartir tu pantalla en algún momento.
Salude a los estudiantes / personal por su nombre cuando inicien sesión.
Have an icebreaker or task for students to do while they are logging on. This could include:
a question to answer in the chat;
playing music to set the mood;
a poll to complete;
a shared whiteboard to draw on.
If you’ve gotten approval from your Classroom Professionals/school, you may want to start recording class at this point. This allows students who are absent to access the lesson, and for other students to re-watch it if repetition is helpful for their learning.
Zoom and Google Meet both have an automatic captioning option.
Hacer un Verificación de acceso at the beginning of the live class and throughout to see if students’ needs are being met in terms of audio, visuals, etc. This may also provide a valuable opportunity for Classroom Professionals to weigh in about any changes you can make to support student engagement. Make sure you do the Access Check verbally and in the chat. Vea este video para ver un ejemplo de una verificación de acceso.
Use the technology requested by the school, Classroom Professionals, and students for consistency, and to prevent students from having to figure out how to meet their access needs on an additional program.
More information about Access Checks and creating accessible meetings can be found in the External Resources section.
Consider asking Classroom Teachers or Paraprofessionals to serve as co-hosts by helping to admit folks from waiting rooms, monitoring the chat and breakout rooms, recording the session, typing captions, and/or helping to solve technical issues so that you can focus on teaching.
You may also consider nominating students to fill important roles during the session, like leading an opening or closing ritual, leading a breakout room, monitoring the chat, etc.
Think of ways you can foster community between live sessions. You might ask students to check out each other’s work, respond to a prompt on Flip, and/or share their artwork in a Padlet or Jamboard between classes.
Los entornos de enseñanza y aprendizaje remotos a menudo significan que los cuidadores y otras personas en los entornos domésticos de los estudiantes se vuelven parte de la comunidad de su salón de clases. Encuentre formas de involucrar a los cuidadores en la DAR recursos para involucrar a los adultos en el aula virtual.
Depending on the needs of the students you’re working with, keep sessions between 20 to 60 minutes.
If your session is longer than 30 minutes, make sure to have at least one break to be off-screen to stretch, go to the bathroom, get some water, or gather materials. To transition in and out of the break successfully, consider
putting a timer on the screen so students know how long they have left for the break;
planning an activity to transition back from the break, like the one in this video example.
Para ayudar a los estudiantes a experimentar una sensación de cierre al final de la lección y prepararse para la transición fuera de la sesión, es importante incluir un ritual de cierre. Obtenga más información sobre los rituales en el DAR recursos sobre la grabación de videos asincrónicos.