
在 ArtsConnection 教学艺术家的本指南中,查找为有不同需求的学生规划和促进实时在线课程的技巧和工具。

  • 规划
  • 教学
  • 远程教学



Send multiple reminders to students, Classroom Professionals, and caregivers, when appropriate. You might send one reminder in advance with information about what to expect, as well as another reminder an hour or so before class.


Do an Access Check at the beginning of the class to check that volume and visuals work for students, to share ways students can support each other’s access needs (like muting microphones), and to identify how students can ask for support throughout the lesson if their access needs aren’t being met.

在为您的现场课程设计课程计划时,您可以在 GIVE 用于创建异步内容的资源.当您准备好在线授课时,下面的资源将帮助您满足一系列学生的需求。


The goal of a live class should center on student engagement. Meet students where they are and focus more on process than product, more on community than content.  


Try incorporating a fun warm-up at the beginning of class. 
  • 古怪的千斤顶:类似于跳跃千斤顶,但邀请学生随意移动,无论是否跳跃。 
  • 脊柱伸展:邀请学生尽可能向前折叠(坐着或站着),然后以慢动作卷起,从 10 开始向上或向下计数。
  • 大手/小手:请学生跟着你的手做大动作,然后是小动作。移动到大脸/小脸和大身体/小身体。你甚至可以组合:大身材/大脸,大手/小身材。
  • 相机播放:让学生靠近和远离相机,进出画面等。 
  • 传递伸展:邀请每个学生以感觉良好的方式伸展,然后通过说出该学生的名字将伸展传递给同学。 
  • Lead a creative movement warm-up like this one offered by ArtsConnection Teaching Artist Rebecca Strimaitis: Move and Stretch

Incorporate moments that encourage students’ voices and feedback.
  • Invite students to respond to questions or prompts in the chat.
  • Invite students to rename themselves on the screen (if possible). Think about asking each student to include the name they would like to be called and their pronouns, as well as one of the following ideas.
    • 描述他们今天的感受或他们希望在会议结束时的感受。
    • 形容他们今天的感受的形容词或动物。然后,您可以让他们表演该形容词或动物,作为热身游戏的一部分。 观看此剪辑以了解动物名称热身的示例.
  • Invite students to turn on and off their mics/videos at different points throughout the lesson.
    • 请务必提供有关如何执行此操作的明确说明,或者,如果可能,请根据您的托管功能帮助需要使用这些功能支持的学生。

Nine teaching artists using their hands, faces, and bodies to pretend to be various animals

  • 在直播课程之前,提前通知学生和课堂专业人士。确保包括日期、时间、平台以及他们上课可能需要的任何材料。 
  • 您甚至可能想提前分享现场课程的议程。这可以是电子邮件、预先录制的简短消息或课堂使用的学习管理系统上的消息的形式。  


Today during our live class, we will be puppeteers. All you will need are three household objects. If you have a piece of paper, a marker, and tape, that would be great as well, but it’s okay if you don’t. 


remind ourselves what a puppeteer does;
find objects from around our homes;

turn those objects into puppets;
practice bringing our puppets to life!


—Ms. Laura

  • 在直播课程开始前一小时再次通知学生、看护人和课堂专家。 

This is a row of two images. Image 1 shows a Zoom poll asking "How are you feeling today?" Image 2 shows a whiteboard on Zoom where participants have written their names, various doodles, and community agreements.

  • 尽早登录以进行设置、测试任何音频/视频需求并解决任何技术问题。如果您要随时共享屏幕,这是清理桌面和关闭通知的好时机。 
  • 登录时按姓名问候学生/教职员工。 
  • 有一个破冰船或任务让学生在登录时完成。这可能包括: 
    • a question to answer in the chat;
    • playing music to set the mood; 
    • a poll to complete;
    • a shared whiteboard to draw on.
  • 如果您已获得课堂专家/学校的批准,此时您可能想要开始录制课程。这允许缺席的学生访问课程,如果重复对他们的学习有帮助,其他学生可以重新观看。

This is a row of three images. Image 1 is an example of close captioning on Zoom. Image two is a white woman in a blue shirt giving a thumbs up while conducting an access check during an online class. Image three is that same access check happening in the chat.

  • 在直播课程中根据需要使用隐藏式字幕、翻译或口译。请务必在您的 远程学习规划会议议程
    • Zoom and Google Meet both have an automatic captioning option.
  • 做一个 访问检查 at the beginning of the live class and throughout to see if students’ needs are being met in terms of audio, visuals, etc. This may also provide a valuable opportunity for Classroom Professionals to weigh in about any changes you can make to support student engagement. Make sure you do the Access Check verbally and in the chat. 查看此视频以获取访问检查示例.
  • Use the technology requested by the school, Classroom Professionals, and students for consistency, and to prevent students from having to figure out how to meet their access needs on an additional program. 
  • More information about Access Checks and creating accessible meetings can be found in the External Resources section. 

  • Consider asking Classroom Teachers or Paraprofessionals to serve as co-hosts by helping to admit folks from waiting rooms, monitoring the chat and breakout rooms, recording the session, typing captions, and/or helping to solve technical issues so that you can focus on teaching.
  • 您还可以考虑提名学生在会议期间担任重要角色,例如主持开幕式或闭幕式、主持分组讨论、监控聊天等。  


A screenshot of seven people modeling a classroom activity on Zoom. Six of the people are scrunching their faces and touching their foreheads with their hands.

  • 给学生额外的问候和告别时间,让他们有机会感受到彼此之间的社交联系。 
  • 结合仪式来开启和关闭直播课程。 将仪式合并到远程异步类中。
  • Think of ways you can foster community between live sessions. You might ask students to check out each other’s work, respond to a prompt on Flip, and/or share their artwork in a Padlet or Jamboard between classes. 
  • 远程教学和学习环境通常意味着学生家庭环境中的看护人和其他人成为您课堂社区的一部分。寻找让护理人员参与的方法 提供有关让成年人参与虚拟教室的资源

  • Depending on the needs of the students you’re working with, keep sessions between 20 to 60 minutes.
    • If your session is longer than 30 minutes, make sure to have at least one break to be off-screen to stretch, go to the bathroom, get some water, or gather materials. To transition in and out of the break successfully, consider
      • putting a timer on the screen so students know how long they have left for the break;This is an example of an onscreen timer. White numbers read 4:58 on a multi-colored background.
      • planning an activity to transition back from the break, like the one in this 视频示例.
  • 为了帮助学生在课程结束时体验结束感并准备结束课程,重要的是要包括结束仪式。了解有关仪式的更多信息 提供有关录制异步视频的资源.
