
انٹیگریٹڈ کو-ٹیچنگ (ICT) کلاس روم اور دیگر شمولیت کی ترتیبات میں کام کرنے کے دوران متعدد شرائط کی تعریفیں جن کا سامنا آپ کو ہو سکتا ہے۔

  • شروع ہوا چاہتا ہے
  • پڑھانا
  • عملی اشارے اور رہائش



A discriminatory practice based on the belief that non-disabled and neurotypical persons are superior and assume people with disabilities are inferior and need “fixing.”

رہائش ایک ایسا آلہ یا حکمت عملی ہے جو کسی طالب علم کو کسی سبق یا سرگرمی تک مکمل رسائی کی اجازت دینے کے لیے استعمال کی جاتی ہے۔ ترمیم کے برعکس ، رہائش سیکھنے کے مقصد یا نتائج کو تبدیل نہیں کرتی ہے۔

ADA stands for the Americans With Disabilities Act, a federal civil rights law passed in 1990 that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.

Teaching that actively works to dismantle the structures, policies, institutions, and systems that create barriers and perpetuate race-based inequities for people of color. This can be done by re-evaluating curriculum and practices, educating students to understand privilege and rethink power, and supporting anti-racist policies.

The orientation and arrangement of the space can have an impact on student learning. This is sometimes prescribed in advance for a Teaching Artist, or they may have few options in changing the space for their lesson or workshop. Nevertheless, the arrangement of the physical space is important to consider.

This term refers broadly to the many ways educators—including Teaching Artists—measure, evaluate, and document students’ needs, learning, progress, skill-development, and more. Assessment can be done before, during, or after a single workshop or a full residency. Typically, when Teaching Artists are assessing students, the purpose is to understand how to appropriately challenge students, meet their learning needs, decide if/when adjustments to a workshop or residency are needed, or evaluate the success of a lesson plan, a curriculum, or the Teaching Artists’ skills and facilitation. See also Formative Assessment.

Audio description is the means by which blind and visually impaired people experience and access art and media forms that are typically considered to be predominantly visual in nature.


سلوک کا انتظام حکمت عملی ، طریقہ کار ، اور/یا مداخلتوں کا ایک سلسلہ ہے جو طلباء کے رویے کو منظم کرنے یا تبدیل کرنے کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ رویے کے انتظام کی مداخلت سکول ، کلاس روم ، یا طالب علم کے لیے مخصوص سطح پر ہو سکتی ہے۔

A brave space is a learning environment that encourages critical dialogue and multiple viewpoints and acknowledges that discomfort is necessary for learning and growth. In a brave space, all participants feel they can engage to be heard, to challenge and be challenged. Brave space is often used instead of “safe space,” because “safe” can discourage critical conversations and a “safe space” can never be guaranteed, especially for members of  marginalized and oppressed communities.


Caregivers may be a student’s parent or guardian, another at-home family member, or, in some cases, a hired professional. Caregivers become important to remote learning environments: Teaching Artists may engage, collaborate with, and support caregivers as a way to engage and support students in their home environment.

سبق کے آغاز میں ایک حکمت عملی جو طلباء کو ورکشاپ میں منتقل کرنے میں مدد دیتی ہے اور ٹیچنگ آرٹسٹ کی مدد سے کمرے میں طلباء کے میک اپ اور مزاج کا اندازہ لگاتی ہے۔

کلاس روم مینجمنٹ ان ٹولز اور حکمت عملیوں کا ایک مجموعہ ہے جن پر عمل درآمد کر کے آپ سیکھنے کے ماحول کو مؤثر طریقے سے قائم اور برقرار رکھ سکتے ہیں جبکہ خلل ڈالنے والے رویے کے امکانات کو کم سے کم کر سکتے ہیں۔ طلباء کی ضروریات اور عمر کے ساتھ ساتھ مطالعے کی توجہ کے لحاظ سے نقطہ نظر کلاس روم سے کلاس روم تک مختلف نظر آسکتا ہے۔

A term used throughout the GIVE Guide to refer to the General Education Teacher and/or the Special Education Teacher as well as any Paraprofessionals and Related Service Providers who may be present.

سبق کے منصوبے کا اختتام ، جس میں عکاسی ، اہم معلومات پر زور ، تفہیم کے لیے چیک ، اور/یا اختتامی رسم شامل ہوسکتی ہے۔


This is a word that is used and understood in many different ways. In the medical model of disability, the term refers to physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental conditions that impair a person’s activities, senses, movement, and experiences.

In the social model of disability, disability refers to the societal structures and barriers that limit the activities and life choices of a person with disabilities. In this model, disability is understood as a social problem, not one created by the physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental conditions themselves. See also Person-First Language.

نیو یارک سٹی ڈیپارٹمنٹ آف ایجوکیشن کے اندر انٹیگریٹڈ کو-ٹیچنگ کلاس رومز میں ، معذور افراد کو معذور افراد کے تعلیمی قانون (IDEA) میں شامل 13 اقسام کے مطابق درجہ بندی کیا گیا ہے۔

  • مخصوص سیکھنے کی معذوری (SLD): ایک بڑی چھتری اصطلاح جس میں پڑھنے ، لکھنے ، بولنے ، استدلال اور ریاضی کے چیلنجز سے متعلق حالات شامل ہیں۔
  • دیگر صحت کی خرابی: حالات کی ایک رینج کے لیے ایک اور چھتری جو طاقت ، توانائی ، یا چوکسی کو متاثر کرتی ہے۔ ADHD اس زمرے میں آتا ہے۔
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD): a developmental disability which includes a wide range of symptoms that may impact behavior, many of which are connected to social and communication skills.
  • جذباتی پریشانی: ایک وسیع زمرہ جس میں ذہنی صحت کے چیلنجوں کی ایک حد ہوتی ہے جو اضطراب اور ڈپریشن سے لے کر شیزوفرینیا اور دوئبرووی خرابی تک ہوتی ہے۔ کچھ ذہنی صحت کے مسائل کو "دیگر صحت کی خرابی" کے تحت درجہ بندی کیا جا سکتا ہے۔
  • تقریر یا زبان کی خرابی: تقریر اور زبان سے متعلق چیلنجوں کا احاطہ کرتا ہے جیسے ہکلنا ، الفاظ کا غلط تلفظ کرنا ، سمجھنے میں مشکل اور زبان کا استعمال اور بہت کچھ۔
  • بصارت کی خرابی بشمول اندھا پن: بصارت سے متعلق چیلنجز شامل ہیں جن میں جزوی بینائی یا اندھا پن شامل ہے۔
  • بہرا پن: covers students who can’t hear all or most sounds and are unable to process linguistic information through hearing, with or without a hearing aid.
  • سماعت کی خرابی: سماعت سے متعلق مشکلات سے مراد ہے جو بہرے پن کی تعریف سے باہر ہیں۔
  • بہرا اندھا پن: covers students who can’t hear all or most sounds and are unable to process linguistic information through hearing, with or without a hearing aid.
  • آرتھوپیڈک خرابی: covers challenges with physical function and ability, such as cerebral palsy.
  • دانشورانہ معزوری: a type of disability that includes a below-average intellectual disability which may lead to challenges with communication, self-care, and social skills. An example is Down syndrome.
  • Traumatic brain injury: an injury caused by accident or some kind of physical force with lasting effects.
  • Multiple disabilities: acknowledges that if students have conditions in more than one of the above categories, they may need support beyond programs designed for just one disability.


Fundamental, not-so-easy-to-answer questions used to guide student learning. These are typically central to a lesson plan or curriculum.


Refers to both an action or role in the classroom. To float typically means to survey and move around the room, assess student engagement and understanding, and jump in to support students when needed. If two Teaching Artists are teaching together, there may be times in the lesson where one takes a primary facilitation role while the other floats.

A formative assessment is a way to assess students’ learning and comprehension throughout a workshop or residency. Often used to help you in your planning, formative assessments are typically low stakes and easy to perform throughout your residency (as opposed to only at the end of a workshop or residency). Examples include students completing entrance/exit tickets with prompts relevant to the lesson, describing how they feel during or after an activity with one word or movement, or sharing something as simple as thumbs up/down/middle to express their understanding. See also Assessment.


جنرل ایجوکیشن ٹیچر آئی سی ٹی کلاس روم میں نصف ٹیچنگ ٹیم ہے۔ اس استاد کو مضامین کے مواد کی زیادہ تربیت اور معذور طلباء کے ساتھ کام کرنے کی کم تربیت حاصل ہو سکتی ہے۔ اس گائیڈ کے دوران ، جنرل ایجوکیشن ٹیچرز کو ان کی خصوصی تعلیم ، پیرا پروفیشنل ، اور متعلقہ سروس فراہم کرنے والے ساتھیوں کے ساتھ کلاس روم پروفیشنل کہا جا سکتا ہے۔


This type of teaching prioritizes making changes to the classroom and its culture to foster a feeling of safety, and to focus on healing for students who have experienced some form of trauma. These teaching practices shift away from a focus on responding to a student’s behavior alone and instead asking, “What’s the story behind the behavior?” and considering the student’s whole self.


An activity or element at the beginning of the lesson that grabs students’ attention and gets them excited about the material.


An Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) Classroom within the NYC Department of Education (NYC DOE) public school system is a classroom that is led by a General Education Teacher and a Special Education Teacher working in collaboration to ensure the entire class is included in the learning. ICT Classrooms have a mixed population of students with and without Individualized Education Plans. The NYC DOE sets the limit of students with IEPs at no more than 40% of students in the classroom.

IDEA stands for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, a federal law that was passed in 1975, then reauthorized in 1997 and 2004 with additional provisions. It is designed to ensure that all children with disabilities are entitled to a free, appropriate public education to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.

An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan for a student with a disability that affects academic performance. Teachers, Paraprofessionals, parents, and students collaborate on an IEP to set goals and specify necessary accommodations in the classroom. As a Teaching Artist, you will likely not have access to students’ IEPs, but you may be able to collaborate with your partnering teachers to understand important insights, needs, and goals from those plans.

Bias or prejudice that someone may be unaware they have or are acting on. This is also sometimes referred to as “unconscious bias,” as scientists speak about this happening on an unconscious level.

The part of a lesson plan that includes the teaching of a specific skill or subject area. Modes of instruction can include providing information verbally, providing visual information or directions, modeling, and more.

اسباق کا وہ حصہ جس کے دوران طالب علموں کو نئی سیکھی ہوئی مہارتوں کو آزمانے یا کسی موضوع کو آزادانہ طور پر تلاش کرنے کا موقع ملتا ہے۔

انٹرسیکشنالٹی اس بات کا مطالعہ ہے کہ سماجی شناختوں جیسے کہ نسل، جنس، اور طبقے کا تعلق امتیازی سلوک اور عدم مساوات کے نظام اور ڈھانچے سے کیسے ہوتا ہے۔


Often abbreviated as LP, this is a document created by a Classroom Professional or Teaching Artist to outline the structure and content of an upcoming period of instruction.

Liberated Learning Environments are environments free from restrictive and limiting barriers imposed by racist and ableist societal structures, and are collaborative and co-generative, intersectional settings guided by anti-racist, anti-ableist, stigma-free, anti-colonial practices. Liberated Learning Environments are not static; they change and evolve to meet the ongoing needs of students and facilitators as a community.

This term is inspired by Paolo Freire’s work, which you can learn more about in Pedagogy of the Oppressed.


ٹیچنگ آرٹسٹ ، تنظیم ، یا ترتیب کے لحاظ سے اس تصور کے مختلف نام ہوسکتے ہیں ، لیکن یہ عام طور پر آپ کی ورکشاپ کے اہم مقصد سے مراد ہے ، یا اگر رہائشی ماڈل میں کام کر رہا ہے تو ، آپ کا نصاب۔

An important part of successful lesson planning, materials are the items and/or technology that you, your students, and the Classroom Professionals will need to be successful in the lesson.

An important part of inclusive teaching, modeling refers to demonstrating a skill or activity while providing verbal instructions or information. Modeling can be a supportive strategy to ensure students understand and feel confident in the content.

ایک ترمیم ایک سبق یا سرگرمی میں ایڈجسٹمنٹ ہے جو قدم یا نتائج کو متاثر کر سکتی ہے تاکہ سبق یا سرگرمی کو طالب علم یا طالب علموں کے ایک گروپ کے لیے مکمل طور پر قابل رسائی بنایا جا سکے۔ NYC ڈیپارٹمنٹ آف ایجوکیشن (NYC DOE) کے مطابق ، ترمیم کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ سیکھنے کا مقصد بدل جاتا ہے ، رہائش کے برعکس جو سیکھنے کے مقصد یا نتائج کو برقرار رکھتا ہے۔

This term refers to the practice of supporting students by presenting information in a variety of ways throughout a lesson. This can mean presenting information visually (with words and images), verbally (by saying and repeating concepts and instructions), kinesthetically (by providing examples for students to touch or try out), and more.


NYC DOE سٹی گورنمنٹ کا ایک حصہ ہے اور نیو یارک سٹی میں پبلک سکول سسٹم کے انتظام کے لیے ذمہ دار ہے۔ NYC DOE انٹیگریٹڈ کو-ٹیچنگ (ICT) کلاس رومز کے ڈھانچے اور معیارات طے کرتا ہے۔


سبق کی منصوبہ بندی کے عمل میں اکثر استعمال کیا جاتا ہے ، مقصد اس بات کی نشاندہی کرتا ہے کہ طالب علم سبق کے اختتام تک کیا کر سکیں گے۔ مقاصد میں ایک خاص مہارت کا استعمال ، مخصوص کام انجام دینا ، کسی خاص موضوع کو سمجھنا وغیرہ شامل ہو سکتے ہیں۔


The part of spoken communication that is not word-dependent: pitch, tone, speech hesitation, facial expression, etc.

A Paraprofessional (Para) is a trained professional working in ICT and self-contained classrooms with students with disabilities. Paraprofessionals may be paired with one student in the classroom to support medical or behavioral needs, or may be assigned to support the classroom as a whole. Throughout this guide, Paraprofessionals may be referred to as “Paras,” “Classroom Professionals,” “adults in the room,” and more.

Person-first language is language practice used to identify an individual or a group of individuals that leads with the person first. For example, “young person with a disability” as opposed to “disabled young person.”

While every organization and Teaching Artist has different expectations and practices surrounding planning meetings, these meetings typically take place before a workshop or residency. This is a time to discuss shared goals, roles, and resources, and to talk about the needs, strengths, and interests of those in the room. The planning meeting may (but will not always) involve the Teaching Artist, Organization Administrators, General Education Teacher, Special Education Teacher, School Administrators, Paraprofessionals, and Related Service Providers.


As connected to disability—the mental tendency for the label of a group to become the label for an individual, as opposed to seeing each person as an individual. The idea that disability as a whole or a specific disability is a concrete and objective thing instead of a subjective part of a person’s lived experience, and that a person with a disability is an object with the assigned qualities of the disability and not a complex and dynamic human being.

Students create meaning from their experience by revisiting what was learned, processing their learning experience, and making connections to their lives beyond your workshop or residency. Reflection can take many forms and should not be limited to just discussion.

A performance that makes particular efforts to support audience members and performers in experiencing the show with accommodations that make the experience more accessible, whether they need more or less sensory stimulation, need to stand up and move, need easy access to the bathroom or a space to take a break, etc. See also Sensory Overstimulation.

Remote or distance learning is when students engage in an online classroom. Each school may use a different platform for remote learning (Google Classroom or Zoom, for example), and Teaching Artists may utilize synchronous or asynchronous learning—or a hybrid of both.

  • مطابقت پذیر سیکھنا: Remote education that occurs in real time, or “live,” is often referred to as synchronous learning. This can be between the Classroom Teacher/Teaching Artist and the students or between students, and it allows for more immediate interactions and conversations with participants.
  • غیر متزلزل سیکھنا: Some schools offer asynchronous learning, which does not occur “live,” but rather as recorded lessons and assignments for students to do on their own. Not all students may have access to the internet or a computer at all times, so asynchronous learning allows all participants to do an activity or lesson in their own time.

In the field of Teaching Artistry, a residency typically refers to a series of workshops a Teaching Artist(s) facilitates in a school, after-school program, community center, or other learning space. The residency may last several weeks to several months. The arc of a residency may be connected by a curriculum focusing on a particular art form, theme, or working toward a particular outcome (a performance, student portfolios, etc.).

Actions that are repeated at the beginning, end, or moments of transition during a workshop or class. Rituals can take the form of a group activity, mantra, meditation, stretch, freewrite/draw, and more. The goal of a ritual is to build community and belonging, to establish a particular tone or energy in the room, to express shared values and beliefs, etc. Important for students of all abilities, rituals can ease transitions, support self-regulation, and anchor focus.

The focus or specific tasks a Classroom Professional takes on to participate, support, and contribute to your lesson while class is in session.


Scaffolding is the process of systematically building upon a student’s knowledge and experience as a way to enhance learning. Think of your objective for a lesson or a unit of lessons. What foundational skills and knowledge will need to be in place to support students in reaching a new high point? The intentional mapping, timing, and facilitation of those foundations will inform your scaffolding.

Self-regulation usually refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions and behaviors. People of all abilities may need support at different times to successfully self-regulate. Sometimes, self-regulation can refer to ways students guide their own learning—determining their own entry point, pace, process, and goal.

ایک حسی جگہ یا حسی کمرہ کسی سرگرمی یا کلاس روم کمیونٹی کے ساتھ دوبارہ مشغول ہونے سے پہلے جذبات کو دبانے اور کنٹرول کرنے کے لیے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔ اس جگہ یا کمرے میں عام طور پر اشیاء ، فرنیچر اور دیگر ڈیزائن عناصر شامل ہوں گے جو خلا کو پرسکون اور آرام دہ بنانے میں مدد کرتے ہیں۔

Sensory overstimulation is an overload of sensory information that can have a variety of effects on someone such as difficulty focusing or processing, irritability, discomfort, a desire to shield oneself from certain inputs (e.g., covering ears or eyes), etc.

The process of developing self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, feel and show empathy in meaningful interactions with others, set and work toward goals, make responsible decisions, and more.

The Special Education Teacher is half of the teaching team in an ICT classroom. This teacher may have greater training in working with students with disabilities and lesser training in the subject content. Throughout this guide, Special Education Teachers may be referred to as “teachers,” “partnering teachers,” “Classroom Teachers (CTs),” “Classroom Professionals” and more.

Notions that shape our perceptions of groups, individuals, and lived experiences based on race, ethnicity, geography, status, body, age, gender, and disabilities.


Often abbreviated as TA, a Teaching Artist is a professional visual, performing, or literary artist who works in schools and in the community. The Teaching Artist is an educator who integrates the creative process into the classroom and the community. TAs may perform for the students and teachers, may work in long-term or short-term residencies in classrooms or a community setting, or may lead in program development through involvement in curriculum planning and residencies with school partners.

The action that facilitates moving from one place or activity to the next is referred to as a transition. The goal of a successful transition is to help students make a shift while maintaining focus, to alleviate anxiety for students who have difficulty with transitions, and to conserve valuable learning time. Teaching Artists typically facilitate three different kinds of transitions: entering the space/starting the lesson, moving between activities, and ending the lesson/leaving the space.


According to the nonprofit education research and development organization CAST, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is “a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.” We use UDL in this guide as a framework for planning and teaching that considers how to make a lesson or activity accessible for as wide a range of students with and without disabilities as possible.


عام طور پر مختصر اور متحرک سرگرمیاں ، وارم اپس ایک ایسا طریقہ ہے جو ٹیچنگ آرٹسٹ طلباء کی مصروفیت اور توانائی کا فوری جائزہ لے سکتے ہیں ، شرکاء کو متحرک اور متحرک کرسکتے ہیں ، اور سبق کے منصوبے سے منسلک مہارت یا تصور متعارف کروا سکتے ہیں۔

A prevalent set of cultural norms that support the idea that white, non-disabled, cisgender, heteronormative people of European descent are the ideal/normal humans. These norms or concepts are often not named but deeply ingrained in American society, educational systems, and organizations.


In the field of Teaching Artistry, a workshop refers to a single visit by a Teaching Artist to a classroom, after-school program, community center, or other space in which students or other participants receive specialized instruction in a particular art form or technique within an art form.

Sometimes included in lesson plans, words of the day may include key concepts or vocabulary that students will learn and use during the lesson. Consider sharing the word(s) in multiple ways: saying it out loud, writing the word and providing a drawing or image, leading the class in saying it together, etc.