

  • 入门
  • 规划
  • 远程教学
  • //
  • 课堂合作伙伴






Co-teaching between you and the Classroom Professionals online will unfold differently than it does in person; therefore pre-planning and preparation will be extremely important. Explore the GIVE Resource on Getting Started With Remote Teaching and Learning 了解更多信息和 远程规划会议的样本议程 与您的合作课堂专家。


  • 活动是什么?
  • 这项活动的目标是什么?
  • 对学生的期望是什么?
  • 活动成功的关键是什么?
  • 最重要的是: 每个成年人在这项活动中扮演什么角色?

笔记: In a virtual classroom, it may be difficult to know which Classroom Professionals will be present, especially the Paraprofessionals and Related Service Providers who may not consistently join the virtual class. A quick verbal poll at the top of class can help you understand who is in the “room” and how they can support you. For example, “It looks like we have additional Classroom Professionals joining us today. Welcome! Can you introduce yourself and your role in the classroom?” This also serves as a way of making sure all Classroom Professionals feel included and valued.

Engaging the adults in the room during remote learning can pose different opportunities and challenges, but is often supported by the same strategies for engagement that you would utilize for your in-person classes. Below are some suggestions for ways to invite the Classroom Professionals to be active participants in your lesson. 

  • 将有关角色的对话纳入您的初始计划会议,以便您能够设定切合实际的期望。当您稍后要求参与时,这可以支持支持。 
  • 在课程开始前发送电子邮件,分享预期内容的摘要以及如何参与的建议。越具体越好! 
  • If possible, invite Classroom Professionals to join the lesson a few minutes early so that you can share, verbally, a quick overview and requests for involvement. This may also help build rapport with the Classroom Professionals. 
  • You might call on the Classroom Professionals to answer questions or model an activity in the same way you would engage students. However, just as you want to avoid calling on a student in a way that puts them on the spot or makes them uncomfortable, you also want to use good judgment in calling on Classroom Professionals. 

Not all of these suggestions will work in every classroom and for every Classroom Professional. Strong communication and rapport is key in identifying what roles make sense for the Classroom Professionals with whom you’re partnering. Below are some possibilities.

  • 以助理教师的身份加入实时课程(这需要预先计划)。
  • Monitor the chat to answer questions, notify you when clarifications are needed, and support students in focusing on the lesson.
  • 学生在对话和活动中迅速做出反应。
  • 为活动建模。
  • 确定便利条件,和/或支持学生获取和使用支持性设备和技术。
  • 如果分组讨论室功能可用:
    • 带领一个小组。 
    • 提供一对一指导。 
  • 支持课堂和行为管理: 
    • 提醒学生行为预期。
    • 对符合期望和社区协议的行为给予表扬和积极强化。
    • 让学生重新专注于手头的任务。
  • 支持您(助教或您组织的管理员)确保材料和作业送达学生手中。 (这可能包括通过电子邮件发送材料和作业、解决学习管理系统的任何问题等) 

For many caregivers, participating in their student’s learning in this way might be a new experience. With the support of the Classroom Professionals, you may want to send a note to caregivers in advance of your program that could include

  • an introduction to you and your organization;
  • what to expect during the workshop/residency;
  • an invitation to participate at a level that makes sense for them and their child;
  • examples and options for ways to participate;
  • ways they can provide feedback during and after the workshop or residency;
  • any requirements/suggestions related to space and materials that they may need to prepare ahead of time. 


  • joining for live sessions, either on or off camera;
  • helping the student ask questions, either verbally or in the chat;
  • cueing student responses or provide hand-over-hand support during activities;
  • participating in and modeling activities—including any rituals and mindfulness activities that may support the well-being of the caregiver as well as that of the student;
  • providing feedback (or relaying feedback from the student) to you or the Classroom Professionals;
  • assisting students in accessing and utilizing supportive devices and technology.

For when a caregiver is acting as a student’s Paraprofessional or classroom aide.


  • Play with the camera and use it whenever you can.
  • Try to engage the eye of the caregiver and the student.
  • Make it fun for the caregiver to play along with their child.


  • Collaborate whenever possible with caregivers. Make sure that the lessons relate directly to the student’s needs and provide clear ways the caregiver can participate during the session.
  • 说明清楚,以便看护人可以支持课程。尝试提前为看护人发送书面说明,或直接在视频中解决这些问题。


  • If you are providing recorded content, videos and recorded audio should be clearly marked with “Length of Activity” and “Materials Needed,” so that both students and caregivers can be prepared.


  • Include caregivers, Classroom Professionals, you, and the students in sharing feedback.
  • 可能的反馈步骤:
    • 询问有关初始目标的问题。
    • 要求发光/玫瑰/价值。
    • 询问成长/荆棘/挑战和建议。
    • 直接从学生和/或其照顾者那里寻求反馈,以确保您听到一些直接的回应。

This model is only recommended if TAs and Classroom Teachers have time to look at the lesson plan prior to the workshop.

  • 在此模型中,您将有两位老师与您一起为您的课程提供便利。 
  • 如果您正在与表示有兴趣参与您的居住前规划会议的教师一起工作,这是一个理想的模型。 
  • 您负责大部分内容共享,并演示课程的教学部分,无论是教授同步课程还是异步课程。
  • 提供教师可以介入并模拟学生被要求做什么的时刻。 
  • 教师可以发挥你的作用并提供额外的指导。 
  • 当学生口头或通过聊天框分享时,你们所有人都在指导课堂并解决学生出现的需求。 

This model is only recommended if TAs and Classroom Teachers have time to look at the lesson plan prior to the workshop and have breakout room capabilities.  

  • In this model, you deliver enough of the lesson to get everyone started.
  • 然后,一位课堂教师与一半的班级一起工作,第二位课堂教师与班级的另一半在不同的分组讨论室工作,为每组使用相同的课程。 
  • 您将扮演漂浮者的角色并根据需要提供支持、观察、记录和播放技术支持。 
  • 然后,您可以在课程的特定时段继续提供说明或与整个班级进行核对。 
  • 对于最后的分享/反思/结束,你们都回到主房间并一起继续。

此模型推荐给拥有 不是 有很多时间事先审查教案。

  • In this model, you will be the lead educator, and Teachers will take on the roles of assisting and observing. 
  • 作为领队,您将介绍和促进课程。 
  • One Teacher will be your assistant, supporting you in transmitting information, instructions, and answering any questions that may arise. This can be done verbally, through written instructions they share on their screen, or in the chat box. 
  • The other Teacher could manage tech, take screenshots as needed, and observe the level of student engagement, providing support as needed.

此模型推荐给拥有 不是 有很多时间事先审查课程计划并具有分组讨论室功能。 

  • In this model, after you introduce the lesson, the Special Education Teacher or a Paraprofessional can add specific strategies for some students to use when working on the lesson, then focus on working with those students in a breakout room for a short period of time. 
  • 你的角色是与其余的学生一起工作。
  • 通识教育老师可以为您提供帮助,并为需要的学生提供扩展活动。 
  • 对于最后的分享/反思/结束,你们都回到主房间并一起继续。


  • 在此模型中,所有课堂专业人员都有机会与小组一起教授课程。 
  • 由于课堂专业人员熟悉他们的学生,他们将房间分成三或四组,并将自己分配到每个组。 
  • Before you break into groups, you can share pre-recorded content, a demo, video, or media that is applicable to the whole group. 
  • Then each Classroom Professional leads the lesson for their group and is responsible for the group for the duration of the session. In these groups, students may complete an entire lesson, or just a section of it. 
  • 您可能希望为每位 Classroom Professional 提供书面说明以供遵循。