

  • 入门
  • 远程教学



Learn as much as you can about the way your students and their Teacher(s) are using technology before you begin. This will help you transition smoothly into the workshop/residency and/or identify where you should plan to offer some additional tech support.


Find creative ways for you and your students to introduce yourselves to one another online before you begin your workshop or residency (e.g., intro videos, PowerPoints, polls, etc.).

Remote learning can be traumatizing for many of our students, so take some time to incorporate Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices


就像面对面一样,远程教学和学习需要仔细规划。无论您是与组织合作还是作为自由教学艺术家,重要的是要知道在您的驻留或研讨会开始之前,您必须与课堂教师和其他课堂专业人员进行交流的机会类型(以及数量) .

受 ArtsConnection 教学艺术家创建的资源的启发,GIVE 团队创建了一个 远程学习规划会议议程.您可以在与合作的课堂专家进行电话或视频通话时使用它,也可以将这些问题翻译成 Google 表单或其他在线调查,供课堂专家完成。

您还可以探索有关以下方法的信息和指南 让课堂专家和其他成年人参与您的远程工作.

In addition to planning resources designed specifically for remote settings, there are many general planning resources included in the GIVE Guide that you might find useful:

规划会议指南: including who to invite, a suggested agenda, and sample questions. 

课堂观察指南: if possible in remote learning settings.


Observing and getting to know students’ strengths and needs is an important part of getting started in any classroom setting. It might be more challenging in remote scenarios, however, due to difficulties observing student behavior or seeing students’ work while it’s in progress. Nevertheless, there are a few strategies you can use to understand where students are at, and meet them there.


You can’t necessarily physically circulate around the room or spend time next to one student’s desk in remote settings, but you can observe students in multiple ways in both live and recorded sessions. 

  • 如果学生在镜头前,请注意面部表情和肢体语言。 
  • 注意聊天中的问题或评论,以检查是否理解或评估参与度。 
  • 如果您正在共同教学,请计划在您的共同老师领导时密切观察。 
  • 以中立、好奇的方式跟进不参与内容的学生。这将帮助您确定问题是否与理解、无聊或不感兴趣、技术、家庭环境等有关。 

正如在 GIVE 远程学习资源:适应课堂和行为管理, 教学艺术家应该谨慎地根据在线学生的观察做出假设。通过与您的合作课堂专家之一分享您的观察,您可能能够获得有关学生优势或需求的更多背景信息。您还可以探索 支持残疾学生的策略 提供额外支持的资源。  



The sky’s the limit in terms of creative ways to introduce yourself before beginning a program. Classroom Professionals and Teaching Artists across the country and around the globe have shared creative ways of doing this—just be sure whichever idea you choose or create is easily shared with the students you’re about to teach!

Say Hello Through a Video

Make a video introducing yourself, your art form, why you like to teach, the space you’ll be teaching from, fun facts about yourself, etc. You can share information about the specific residency or workshop students are about to experience, or you can keep the video general so you can use it again and again. Be sure to check out these 确保所有学生都可以访问您的视频的提示.

“Slide In” With a Personal PowerPoint

If you want something you can edit easily and tailor for each residency or workshop, consider a personal PowerPoint. Share pictures of yourself, your art, and your life. Be sure to keep the text limited and consider a voiceover to read any text aloud and provide image descriptions.

Bitmoji Classroom, Anyone? Get Creative

Welcome students to your virtual classroom—Bitmoji style! Check out the External Resources section below for a tutorial on how to create these animated virtual classrooms, but the more important lesson is this: There are infinite ways to introduce yourself and set the tone for your classroom. Find or invent a way that feels authentic to you!



If you/your partnering school or institution are using a Learning Management System (LMS), start a conversation thread and invite students to respond to a fun, get-to-know-you prompt. These kinds of prompts also get students familiar with and interacting with the platform you’ll use.



Invite your students to create an intro video using a simple platform like Flip (linked in the External Resources) or take a picture with a sign that shares their name and a written or drawn response to an introductory prompt. These options will be best if you create and send your own example first, and if you have a clear sense of your students’ tech access and literacy levels.


Use a Google Form or another similar tool to send out a poll to students before you begin. You might ask questions like:

What books are you reading? What shows are you watching? What games are you playing?
Is there anything you want me to know about you before we begin?
Is there anything you want to know about me before we begin?



Be sure to discuss and agree upon how you will support each other and care for your classroom community together. For online learning, you may also want to include expectations around technology use (e.g., keep chat conversations on topic). Be sure to record these community agreements somewhere. For live online sessions, you might create a slide that you can show at the beginning of each class. Even if you don’t have live sessions, you might add these community agreements somewhere that all students can access them.

考虑以一种让学生感觉一致和可预测的方式来组织你的课程。当然,您会希望让事情变得有趣,但建立例行公事和创建课堂仪式可以帮助学生管理他们可能感受到的任何焦虑或压力——无论是关于您的课程还是关于他们生活经历的其他领域。 了解有关在线学习中课堂仪式重要性的更多信息,并在此处创建自己的习惯

确保与您的合作课堂专家建立牢固的关系,以便您可以利用他们的反馈、他们对学生生活的洞察、他们对学生可能需要更多或更少的东西的想法等。 在此处阅读有关让成年人参与虚拟教室的更多信息.

If students are learning from home, your classroom community might expand to include parents, caregivers, siblings, and pets in the background. In some cases, this may provide exciting opportunities for connection; in others, and perhaps especially for older students, this might make it harder for some students to take creative risks while learning. There’s no easy answer here. The way you navigate this broader community will be unique to you, your students, and your program.


一定要保持并建立在您在课程的早期阶段建立课堂社区的方式的基础上。这将使学生保持参与并为学生创造一个安全的环境。下面,您将找到为远程学习量身定制的建议。有关面对面学习的其他信息或想法,请探索 发展学生之间的积极关系以建立社区.

We all value our art forms, and we value the learning and growth that can happen when students experience and make art for themselves. But what’s more important than the content of your lesson plan is that students feel connected to peers and adults in their lives, that they feel celebrated when things are going well and supported when things feel challenging. Here are a few ways you can create space for connection during your live sessions or through other online means. 

  • 学习和使用名称,无论是在现场课程中还是在通过电子邮件、对他们工作的评论等与学生互动时。 
  • 就像在面对面的课堂上一样,想办法积极加强强有力的艺术选择、领导主动性以及积极支持和与同学合作的学生。 
  • 腾出时间进行表演和讲述或小型才艺表演。让每个学生带来一件物品或一件艺术作品,并与全班分享。让学生提出问题并给他们的同学积极的反馈。 
  • Provide time during live sessions or space on your LMS for socializing and checking in with one another. Give students space and time to share their genuine feelings and interests with their classmates. Encourage connections among students who may have similar interests. 
  • 与没有出现在现场课程中或没有参与其他在线内容的学生联系。让您的课堂专家了解可能发生的事情以及您可以如何支持/联系。

Just as you would in an actual classroom, you’ll want to watch for nonverbal feedback (session attendance, engagement with activities, etc.). But in remote learning settings, you may want to intentionally create more opportunities for students, Classroom Professionals, and even family members/caregivers to give feedback:

  • 对于学生: 您可以通过多种方式邀请学生反思和分享反馈。
    • Consider entrance or exit ticket polls that ask a few basic questions (e.g., “One word to describe how you’re feeling today”; “One thing you learned today”; “One thing you didn’t understand today”). This could be spoken or in the chat for live online classes or via a Google poll or similar tool for asynchronous/recorded classes.
    • 查看资源 与学生进行持续的课堂反思 可针对远程学习进行调整的其他反思策略。
  • 对于课堂专业人员: Send out a very brief weekly poll asking for input on what teachers would like to see more/less of, any changes in their students’ needs, etc.
  • 对于家庭成员/照顾者: 如果您愿意,请在计划的早期分享您的电子邮件地址,以便他们可以就问题或疑虑与您联系。您可能会考虑进行一次中期民意调查来签到。


The GIVE guide provides a number of resources to support the process of you reflecting on your teaching. Though these resources were designed for in-person teaching, they will also be useful in online scenarios as well. See below for templates for your own self-assessment, plus templates for end-of-program reflection with students. 
