
GIVE Activity Bank 是一个包含短期活动或基于技能的任务的资源库,其中已经包括满足一系列学生需求的支持和住宿。这些活动可以轻松添加到您的课程中 - 只需针对您独特的学生和课堂进行小幅调整 - 使其更具包容性。

这些活动由来自新胜利剧院、ArtsConnection 和 Community-Word 项目的纽约市教学艺术家按原样提交。

  • 我是——回指诗


    In this community-building activity, students create “I am” poems. In doing so, they learn about anaphora poems, share about themselves, and learn about others.

  • Names and Weather Patterns

    年龄:小学高年级 (3-5)、中学 (6-8)
    Art Forms: Visual Arts, Dance, Literary Arts, Media Arts, Music, Theater

    This warm-up activity supports learning everyone’s names and pronouns,  bringing imagination into the room, becoming observant of the world around us, and lear…

  • 传递爱

    年龄:幼儿 (PK-2)、高年级 (3-5)、中学 (6-8)、高中 (9-12)
    Art Forms: Visual Arts, Theater, Music, Media Arts, Literary Arts, Dance

    A closing ritual to reflect on the lesson, and to take a moment together as a whole class ensemble.

  • Personalizing Your Notepad

    年龄:小学高年级 (3-5)、中学 (6-8)
    Art Forms: Visual Arts, Literary Arts

    In this activity, students receive and customize a notepad for use throughout the residency, fostering a sense of ownership and creative freedom. Retrieving an…

  • 押韵时间

    年龄:幼儿 (PK-2)、高年级 (3-5)、中学 (6-8)、高中 (9-12)

    This activity is a great introduction to or review of rhyme as a tool for poetry, music, and theater.

  • 感官细节

    年龄:小学高年级 (3-5)、中学 (6-8)

    In this language-building activity, students will learn and practice using sensory descriptors in their writing.