

  • 规划
  • 课堂合作伙伴



Including a conversation about different goals in your planning meeting will foster more investment in the residency from all parties. To initiate a productive dialogue about goals with your Classroom Professionals, prepare questions to initiate the conversation. These questions can be about specific students and the class as a whole, or the Classroom Professionals themselves. For example, what is their relationship to this art form? To creativity? To art-making?

我们可以围绕四种类型的课堂目标来构建这些问题:学术、艺术、社交/情感和身体。设定这些目标将有助于告知您 计划包容性课程的过程。

Examples might include: 

  • Learn a technique or skill.
  • Complete a culminating project or put on a performance.
  • Develop a basic vocabulary of the art form.
  • Grow an appreciation of the art form, including knowledge of its cultural and historical background.
  • Explore creativity through collaboration and/or individual work.

Examples might include: 

  • Reinforce language arts skills and Common Core knowledge.
  • Acquire arts-based skills to describe, explain, or understand non arts-based topics.
  • Grow problem-solving skills.
  • Develop verbal and/or nonverbal language skills throughout the residency.

Examples might include:

  • Build coordination.
  • Develop spatial awareness and an understanding of spatial relationships.
  • Experience increased opportunities for movement and physical activities.

Examples might include:

  • Develop ability and willingness to collaborate in ways that are aligned with a Liberated Learning Environment.
  • Develop willingness to share their own work and receive others’ work.
  • Negotiate with others, and ask for assistance.

以下是一些示例问题,可帮助您入门。有关更多想法,我们建议探索 按角色规划会议准备 文档。


  • 你的班级正在学习哪些共同核心技能,我可以将其纳入我的课程计划?
  • 是否会探索与艺术形式相关的核心主题,或者在驻留项目之外引入与艺术形式相关的特定主题?


  • 这种艺术形式有什么让你兴奋的地方?
  • 您希望您的学生从这种艺术形式中学到什么?
  • 您目前如何将艺术(这种形式或其他形式)融入您的课堂?
  • 你认为自己是艺术家吗?为什么或者为什么不?


  • Can you tell me about the strengths of individual students, and what sort of support they benefit from the most?
  • 在计划我的课程时,我可以考虑哪些使班上所有学生受益的课程?
  • In what ways does this class collaborate? Are there collaborative skills you’d like me to focus on?


  • 学生经常离开课桌吗?
  • 他们了解个人空间界限吗?他们知道如何在空间内安全移动吗?
  • 您的学生是否在学习任何大运动技能或精细运动技能?