GIVE Activity Bank 是一个包含短期活动或基于技能的任务的资源库,其中已经包括满足一系列学生需求的支持和住宿。这些活动可以轻松添加到您的课程中 - 只需针对您独特的学生和课堂进行小幅调整 - 使其更具包容性。
这些活动由来自新胜利剧院、ArtsConnection 和 Community-Word 项目的纽约市教学艺术家按原样提交。
This activity is a great introduction to or review of rhyme as a tool for poetry, music, and theater.
Description: Fill in the missing lyrics to well-known songs.
This ensemble storytelling and/or music composition activity invites students to create a soundscape together based on places familiar to them.
Students explore different types of breathing techniques to feel more relaxed.